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                       <p>        短文3 夏曼卫兵的最期</p>
<p>  The English passage is behind the Chinese</p>
<p>      (下附鸡翻英文版)</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呃恩,呃呃,呃...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主身下衣着暴露的年轻女兵嘴里不住地轻声呻吟,此时她正高高地提起自己美丽圆润的臀部,和胸衣连成一体的纯黑色紧身贞操带包裹的阴户随着两条剧烈晃动的修长美腿不安地躁动。公主此时心中犹如小鹿乱撞,迫不及待地撩开自己的裙子,将穿着白色内裤的阴户抵向女兵向着自己招摇的神秘黑色禁地。当两只壮美的阴睾相互顶住,公主霎时间觉得躺在冰冷的砖石地板上年轻女兵的生命如同一只离弦的箭直直从下面插进自己的心房,胸中不禁一股股暖意喷涌而出。她忍不住双手一把摸上女兵的身体,刚在那柄刺入肚脐的锋利匕首夺走她的性命前好好抚慰她尚且温热的娇躯。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵的战斗服饰甚是诱人。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      王国16、7岁美丽少女留着齐齐的金色短发,刚刚发育起来的玉体套上连体的黑色紧身胸衣和贞操带,腰间再扣上一条帅气的腰带,金灿灿的腰带扣正好遮住少女那柔美而深邃的肚脐,跨上带鞘的利剑看上去又英武又漂亮。因为王国处在炎热的沙漠地带,所以女王不介意让自己的年轻部下们袒露自己的身体,夏曼女兵们无论是在敌人面前还是在她们奉命的百姓面前都无时无刻不在展示自己美丽的肌肤和傲人的身姿;除非是最坚定的勇士,只要是男人看见这些致命的蛇蝎少女高高耸起的胸部和腹前大片的雪白,很难不饥渴难耐向立刻对着她们挥舞着利剑的身体手淫。而内心深处对漂亮女孩深深渴望的公主则经常承受百倍于此的煎熬。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      女王与自己有着不共戴天之仇,每次在与她的部下们战斗的时候公主都会勇敢地冲在最前面。公主的宝剑收割了无数夏曼女兵年轻的生命,而暗藏在腰带中的匕首则会在出其不意的时刻刺向那些漏网之鱼。只是每次打扫战场的时候公主都会觉得很落寞,那些刚刚拼了性命与自己战斗的女兵们在阵亡后没多久就化为一束紫光回归到她们敬爱的女王那里去了,只剩下那些死透了的臭男人,自己连抱住纤细的腰身、握住圆润的乳房享受她们垂死的挣扎的机会都没有。据说只有一击致命但是不至于立即死去的方式才能有机会在夏曼女兵化为紫光前一睹她们战死的芳容,而在战场上这种机会太难有了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      今天公主终于有机会了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在晚些时候她和同伴们潜入了女王的城堡要塞,结果公主和其他人走散了,溜进了堆放辎重的地牢。公主紧紧地握住自己的匕首,在辎重的阴影之间穿梭,希望找到出去的路。一路上她都没有看到任何守卫,直到溜到一个亮着蜡烛的房间旁边。公主轻轻推开木门向里看去,只听得屋内水声阵阵,屋子角落里木桶中有一位金色短发的少女正在向自己的身体浇水沐浴。她美丽的凤眼中习惯似的透露出一股高傲的申请,将温水从自己高挺的两胸间倒将下去,看着水流过自己的娇腹,那枚少女可爱而又神秘的肚脐在烛光的映照下隐藏在阴影中,十分诱人。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      一个夏曼女卫兵!</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主瞬间觉得自己的心缩紧了。她看到木桶旁边桌子上放着夏曼女兵的紧身衣、头环剑带、腰带臂镯中间的钥匙,只要拿到钥匙就可以离开这里和同伴们回合了,所以必须杀死她。公主的心痒痒的,她恨不得现在就冲进去,将匕首刺进夏曼女兵骄傲的肚脐眼里,在她赤身裸体地喊叫出声前堵住她的小嘴来一次热烈的激吻。不,现在还不到时候,要让她保持着战士英勇的姿态死去。想到这里,公主心生一计。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵沐浴完后,很快穿上了衣服装备,带着钥匙开始接着巡逻。突然间她发现一堆辎重后有一个小小的影子一闪而过,立刻握住剑柄大声喝到:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “什么人!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主立刻装成一幅误闯进别人家里的熊孩子的样子,小心翼翼地来到夏曼女兵面前,嗲声嗲气地说道:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我在这附近玩,不小心迷路跑到这里了,小姐姐,妳能带我会村子嘛?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵看到闯入者只是一个小女孩,便稍微放松了警惕,伸向剑柄的手放下了,冷笑道:“妳这小东西,竟然随随便便就跑到这里来了?赶快...啊!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      说时迟那时快,公主不等夏曼女兵呵斥完突然一个箭步冲到了她的面前。女兵登时感觉到腹部肚脐处有一股强大的压迫感,空荡的地牢里发出清脆的金属碰撞的声音,公主微笑着缓缓从夏曼女兵怀里后退,之间她双手握着匕首的柄,而匕首的尖端已经直直刺进了女兵腰带中间的金属扣。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      女兵冷艳的眼神里露出一抹嘲笑:“妳果然是女王大人的敌人,知道我的弱点是肚脐么?幸好有腰带扣的保护,否则就被妳这个小东西暗算了。准备拿命来吧!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “不哦,漂亮的小姐姐,”公主的微笑丝毫没有消失,“看看妳的腰带,妳已经快要阵亡了哟~” </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵重新伸向剑柄的手突然停住了。她姣好的面容不自然地抽动了几下,从肚脐处传来的一丝凉意已经在她温润的腹腔内缓缓扩散。公主的笑意变得有些狡诈,她慢慢松开了手,那柄匕首竟然生生刺穿了坚硬的金属腰带扣,尖端已经进入女兵那被挺直的胸腹拉的狭长的肚脐中。带着痒意的疼痛袭扰着夏曼女兵的心房,看来是剑尖刺破了美腹上幽深洞穴最深处的脐芯,正在最先享用夏曼女兵腹内涌动的鲜血。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “这把匕首可是连盾牌和胸甲都能刺穿的喔,今天我留妳活到现在,就是为了从肚脐了结妳的!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呃~——”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵挺着腹部拔剑的动作竟然滞住了。其实此时她伤的并不重,公主唯一的武器也被自己的肚脐暂时夺取,如果此时她拔剑的话公主一定会命丧黄泉。可惜的是自意识到自己身上唯一的坚硬护甲被这个小姑娘轻易地击破后,年轻的女兵潜意识里已经相信自己会死在这把匕首的捅杀之下了。娇腹上的隧洞深处被粗暴而无情地探知触碰,女兵的身体一阵轻微的颤栗,从喉咙里轻轻发出一声哀怨而性感的呻吟,开始不由自主的后退。她想做什么呢?是拔剑鱼死网破,还是解下小腰带以摆脱匕首尖那恼人的折磨?亏得这女孩子将腰带勒得这样紧,那一匕首才精准而轻松地刺进她的腹部,公主想到。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      看到夏曼女兵睁大错愕的眼睛不知所措却又倔强地站立着的样子,公主内心一阵激动,大叫道:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “夏曼!美丽的夏曼!高傲而英勇的敌方女战士,在面对自己的最期的时候竟然也这样地诱惑!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      话音刚落,公主飞身扑到夏曼女兵身体近前,两只小手隔着紧身胸衣两块单薄的布料紧紧握住女兵鼓鼓的两胸,手指搭在双峰顶端的凸起处,用力地推搡着她。女兵方才刚被刺腹惊魂未定,现在骄傲的胸部又遭到袭击,不由得酥软了腿脚,还未来得及拔出自己的利剑便身子一软躺倒在地。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主扑到夏曼女兵身上,死死按住她的双臂,四条美腿也并在一起。公主拱起身子在夏曼女兵身上耸动着,两对高耸的胸脯互相摩擦,公主隔着衣服都能感觉到女兵胸衣黑色布料下的那两粒葡萄正在愈发变得坚硬,正迎合着自己的乳首划动与撞击,这让她兴奋不已。她闭上眼睛,将身体压了下去,两对圆球瞬间就紧紧地贴在一起,小嘴唇也贴到了女兵姣好面容的旁边。公主不住地亲吻女兵的脸腮与筋脉暴起的脖颈,因为女兵刚刚沐浴完所以她闻到了一股好闻的芳香气味。同时自己束腰正中肚脐处也顶住了刺在女兵肚脐上那柄锋利匕首的剑柄,随着公主亲吻程度越发越烈,那柄匕首随着公主的体重和加力继续摩擦着被刺透的腰带扣深入女兵的腹中。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呵...嗯!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼女兵觉得一股奇异的快感伴随着疼痛在身体各处乱撞。她干净利落地夺取了我的性命,但是她又是如此地爱恋我的身体。不,我不能就这样轻易地让她杀死我、侮辱我。女兵秀眉紧蹙,缩紧健美娇腹上的腹肌,尽一切可能在双臂被死死压住的情况下抵抗着刺入肚腹的利刃。虽然这样对最终的结果无济于事,但是好歹减缓了剑刃进入温润腹腔的速度。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “不乖哦!夏曼!放弃抵抗然后尽情绽放妳的美丽吧!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      随着公主耸动的加剧匕首一点点像肚脐的更深处推进,夏曼女兵剧烈挣扎的双臂渐渐失去了力气。匕首的末端此时也死死抵着公主的肚子,公主的柔腹被顶得凹陷下去一大块。这就是战斗中腹部被剑刃宠幸的感觉么?啊,啊,感觉自己也快战死了呢。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      两个女孩此时在阴冷的地牢里用腹部共享着同一柄匕首带来的爱意,只不过其中一个受到的是真真切切的刺腹之痛。公主松开夏曼女兵的双臂,支起腰身再次握住夏曼女兵圆润的高峰,拇指不住地揉搓着她两粒坚硬的小小葡萄。女兵冷艳的眼睛睁得圆圆的,早已没有那种冷傲的气质,取而代之的震惊、不解和不甘,甚至还有一丝被宠爱的娇羞。终于她觉得自己的胸部在公主不断的揉搓下膨胀到了极点,紧身的胸衣已经快要束缚不住了,脖子和腰部也被衣服勒得紧紧的。夏曼女兵“啊!”地大叫了一声,浑身上下所有的肌肉都泄了劲,腹部最后的门户也被完全打开。只听“噗呲”一声,匕首的三分之一一下没入女兵的娇腹,即使刺的依旧不算深,但是足以要了女兵的命了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呃啊,哦,呃哦...嗯~...妳...妳究竟是谁....”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      剑刃刺入自己变得燥热的腹部,夏曼女兵知道自己没有任何活下去的可能了,于是她弯起一条美腿勉力支撑起自己的上半身,想看一看这个夺走自己生命的女孩的容颜。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呼呼...本宫乃亚特王国公主,此来专门取尔等魔女性命。妳的罪过已经随着这把匕首赎清了,安心地去吧!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      言罢公主狠狠从女兵肚脐拔出了匕首。由于那匕首是绝世的好刃,加上女兵腰带勒得够紧,刺进的时候腰带和皮肤上竟然没有一丝血迹,拔出时也仅仅带出一点点血珠。“啊~~————”女兵发出悠长的哀叫,倒不是因为她有多疼,而是这意味着她即将香消玉殒魂归天际。想到这里,女兵不由得提起臀部,将腰腹部顶得高高的,以疏解体内那股即将带走自己的燥热力量。这时女兵的壮美阴睾对着公主微微摇摆,这在公主看来简直就是神秘的黑色诱惑。于是公主撩开了自己的裙子顶住了夏曼女兵的贞操带。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “诶~受了这么大的刺激,竟然下面还是干干的,乳首也是。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在女兵颤抖的胸腹部摸过一遍后,公主决定在她死前好好轻柔地抚慰一下她,尽量让她年轻的处女身体渗出爱的精华。公主觉得自己这次很幸运,女兵死得并不快,而且身体没有消失的迹象。难道在杀她们的时候和她们做爱就能保留全尸?</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “嗯呀...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      女兵的身体此时恢复了柔美,她闭着眼睛在地板上像水蛇般扭动着,嘴里的呻吟犹如美妙的乐曲。公主轻轻将她抱起来,犹如抱着自己最亲近的姐妹,感受这女兵肌肤在自己身上摩擦的感觉。女兵在公主怀里不断地扭动着,那对涨起的大胸不断触碰着公主的身体,嘴里喃喃地诉说着遗言:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “对...对不起...女王大人..小女就要...战死了....呃...无法...回到您的...身....边.....唔....”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主揉着她的金色短发,一口吻上了她的小嘴。松开的时候,公主看见夏曼女兵的嘴角流淌出了鲜血。因为女兵的激烈扭动,那对雪白的白兔终于挣脱了胸衣的束缚跳了出来。接着“啪”的的一声,一摊爱液的水迹在女兵的贞操带上拓展开来,那对爆乳的乳首也喷射出两小股乳汁。女兵此时睁大了眼睛,羞红了脸,一脸不可思议地长着小嘴“啊,啊”地叫着,终于身体一沉脑袋一歪,在公主怀中香消玉殒。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “这就死了啊~我还没射呢~不过身体果然没消失,看来我猜对了~”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      看着在自己怀里玉体横陈的夏曼女卫兵,尚未满足的公主将女兵的胸衣重新套在她的胸脯上,然后抱着女兵躺倒在地。失去了生命的女兵的身体瘫软地压在公主身上,奶子死死顶住公主的胸部,依然有温度的小嘴唇碰在公主的唇边,几滴甜美的鲜血落在了公主嘴里。由于刚刚死去,女兵的胸部弹性十足,而整个腹部变得异常地柔软,像一块表面光滑的羊毛毯。公主觉得下面阵痒难耐,一把搂住夏曼女兵的身体,一手揉着她的头发让她的嘴唇和自己的堵在一起,另一手在她身后抚摸着纤细的腰身,双腿则钳住夏曼女兵那一双套着帅气靴子的修长美腿,腿并腿腹贴腹地拥抱着女兵,下体尽情地摩擦着女兵湿润的阴睾。女兵腰间最终没有拔出的利剑哗啦哗啦作响,终于公主在一声淫荡的叫喊中也射出了爱液。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呼~了却了一桩心愿~”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      公主从夏曼女兵腰间取得了钥匙,将俯在自己身上的女兵尸体推到一旁。接着她帮自己的“恋人”合上了眼睛和嘴唇,将女兵尸体弄得直挺挺的,让她的双手搭在小腹上做出战士葬礼的姿态。公主最后在女兵的唇上献上一吻后便带着钥匙离开了,只留下忠诚而美丽的夏曼女卫兵的尸体躺在冰冷的地牢中</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      ————————————————————————END————————————————————————————</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Uh, uh, um ...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The young woman in the princess\u0027s undergarment covered her mouth and groaned softly. At this moment she was lifting her beautiful round buttocks, and the pure black tight virginity wrapped in the bra and the pussy covered with two violent shaking Slender legs Restless restlessness. The princess at this time like a deer chaos, can not wait to put aside their skirts, will wear white underwear female genitalia toward her swinging mysterious black forbidden land. When the two magnificent yin and test each other, the princess suddenly felt lying on the icy brick floor, the life of a young female soldier just like an arrow straight from below inserted into their atrium, the chest can not help but a share of warm Italian spewing out. She could not help but touch the female soldier\u0027s body with her hands, and just soothe her warm and tender Jiaoqu before she took her life with her sharp dagger that pierced the navel.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman women\u0027s combat clothing is very attractive.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Kingdom of 16,7-year-old beautiful girl with golden short hair, just developed jade body Siamese black Siamese suit and chastity belt, waist and then buckle a handsome belt, golden buckle just cover Live girls that soft and deep navel, sword on the sheath with a sheath looks warlike and beautiful. Because the kingdom was in a hot desert, the Queen did not mind exposing her young men to her body. The Shaman women were in constant display of their beautiful skin both in front of the enemy and in front of the people they ordered Proud posture; unless it is the most determined warriors, as long as the men see these deadly viper girls tall chest and belly of large white, it is difficult not to hunger and thirst for the sword immediately waving at them Body masturbation. The princess who deeply desires the pretty girl in her heart often suffer a hundredfold suffering.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The Queen has a common hatred with her, each time the princess bravely heads forward while fighting her men. Princess\u0027s sword reap countless Shaman women\u0027s young life, and hidden in the belt of the dagger will be in the surprise of stabbing those who miss the fish. The princess will feel very lonely every time the battlefield is cleaned up, and those female soldiers who have just spelled their lives and who fought against them will soon return to their beloved queen after being killed, leaving only those Dead stinky man, his own clinging to the slender waist, holding the sleek breasts to enjoy their dying struggle no chance. It is said that only a fatal blow but not an immediate death can give a chance to witness their death before the Shamir female turns into a purple light, an opportunity that is too difficult on the battlefield.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Today, the princess finally has a chance.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Later in the day she and her companions sneaked into the Queen\u0027s Castle fortress, and as a result the princess and the others were separated and slipped into heavy dungeons. Princess hold his dagger tightly, shuttling between the heavy shadows, hoping to find the way out. She did not see any guards all the way until she slipped to a room lit by candles. The princess gently pushed open the wooden door to look inside, only to hear the sound of bursts of house water, the corner of the house in the barrel of a girl with short blond hair is pouring water to his body bathing. Her beautiful phoenix eyes used to be like revealing a proud application, the warm water from his very tall chest down down, watching the water flow through his Jiao Yang, that girl lovely and mysterious navel candlelight Hidden under the shadow of the shadow, very attractive.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      A Shaman female guard!</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The princess instantly felt her heart tightened. She saw the Chammans woman\u0027s tights on the table next to the barrel, the headband, the key in the middle of the belt armlet, the key to the left and the companion\u0027s turn, so she had to be killed. The princess\u0027s heart itch, she could not wait to rush in now, the dagger pierced the pride of the Shaman women\u0027s navel, blocking her mouth before her naked to a warm kiss. No, it is not yet time to let her keep her heroic stance dead. Think of here, the princess live a plan.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      After Shaman female soldiers bathing, quickly put on clothes and equipment, with the key began patrolling. Suddenly she found a bunch of weighing after a small shadow flash, hold the hilt and immediately shouted:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"who!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The princess was immediately installed as a bear kidnapped into someone else\u0027s home look, carefully came to Shaman female soldiers in front, solemnly said:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"I am playing near here and I accidentally get lost here, little sister, can you take me to the village?\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman women see intruders just a little girl, then slightly relaxed vigilance, the hand stretched out to the hilt, sneered: \"You little things, even casually ran here? ...what!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      At that moment, at that moment, the Princess did not wait for Shamir female soldier to scold out and suddenly a stride rushed to her. Female soldiers suddenly felt the abdomen navel at a strong sense of oppression, the empty dungeon issued crisp sound of metal collision, the princess smiles slowly back from the arms of Shaman women, between her hands holding a dagger Handle, and the tip of the dagger has straight into the middle of the female soldier belt metal buckle.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Female soldiers glamorous eyes reveal a touch of ridicule: \"You really are the Queen\u0027s enemy, I know my weakness is the navel it? Fortunately, the belt buckle protection, otherwise you are the little things planted. ! \"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"No, pretty little sister,\" Princess smile did not disappear, \"look at your belt, you\u0027re almost killed yo ~\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The hand of the Shayman woman re-extended to the hilt suddenly stopped. Her beautiful face unnaturally twitched a few times, a trace of coolness coming from the navel has slowly spread in her warm abdominal cavity. Princess smile became a little cunning, she slowly released his handle dagger even stabbed through a rigid metal belt buckle, the tip has entered the female soldier that was straight chest and abdomen pulled long narrow navel. With itchy pain harassing the Shaman women\u0027s atrium, it appears that the tip of the piercing the deep belly of the umbilical cord in the deepest part of the belly, is the first to enjoy the Shaman women abdominal blood surging.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"This dagger is pierced even by shields and breastplate, and today I leave you alive now, just to get you from the navel!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Uh ~ -\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Sharman female soldier abdomen pull the sword even stalled action. In fact, she was not injured at this time, the princess\u0027s only weapon was temporarily captured by his navel, if at this time she drew a sword princess will certainly be dead. It is a pity that after realizing that the only hard armor in his body was easily broken by the young girl, the young female soldier subconsciously believed he would die under the stabbing of the dagger. Jiao belly of the tunnel depths were rude and ruthless to find touch, female soldier body while a slight tremor, gently from the throat issued a sad and sexy moan, began to involuntarily back. What does she want to do? Is the sword net dead fish net break, or get rid of a small belt to get rid of the annoying tip dagger? Thanks to the girl who belts Le had so tight, that dagger is precisely and easily pierced her abdomen, the princess thought.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Seeing Shaman female soldier stunned eyes overwhelmed but stubbornly stood the way the princess was excited, shouted:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Shaman! Beautiful Shaman! Heroic and brave enemy female warriors, even in the face of their own most of the time even so tempted!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The voice faded, the princess flew Shaman female body flew in front of the body, two small hands across the corset two thin cloth firmly hold the female soldier bulging chest, his finger at the bimodal top of the bulge Push hard against her. Female soldiers had just been stabbed in the frightened undecided, and now proud of the chest has been attacked, could not help but soft legs, not enough time to pull out their own sword will be a soft lying on the ground.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The princess flutter Shaman female body, tightly hold her arms, four legs together. The princess arched her body in the Shaman women who sank, two pairs of towering breasts rubbed each other, the princess could feel under the clothes across the clothes of the female soldier under the black cloth that two grapes are getting harder and are catering Excited with her breasts paddling and impact. Her eyes closed, the body pressed down, the two pairs of balls instantly tightly together, the little lips are also posted next to the Jiao Niu face. The princess could not stop kissing the female cheeks and the rippled neck. Because the female soldier had just finished bathing, she smelt a good smell. At the same time his waist middle navel also withstand stabbed in the navel navel on the handle sharp dagger hilt, as the princess kissing more and more intense, the handle dagger with the princess\u0027s weight and Canadian continue to friction stabbed Through the belt buckle into the female soldier\u0027s belly.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Uh ... um!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman feminine soldiers feel a strange pleasure accompanied by pain in the body collide. She took my life neatly, but she loves my body so much again. No, I can not let her kill me so easily and insult me. Female soldier eyebrows tight, tightening bodybuilding abdominal muscles on the belly, do everything possible to withstand the suppression of his arms is tightly pressed into the belly edge. Although this will not help the final result, but whatever the outcome, slowed the blade into the warm peritoneal speed.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Unlucky! Shaman! Give up and let your beauty blossom!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      As the princess raised aggravate the dagger a little deeper like the navel to push, Shaman women\u0027s arms struggling gradually lost his arms. At the moment, the end of the dagger resists the princess\u0027s belly. The tender belly of the princess is hollowed out to a large extent. This is the feeling of fighting in the abdomen was favored? Ah, ah, I feel almost die of it.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The two girls at this time in the cold dungeon share the same dagger with their abdomen to bring the love, but one of them is the true thorn of the pain. The princess released the arms of the Shamir female soldier and held her waist again to hold the rounded peak of the Shamir female soldier, rubbing her two hard little grapes with her thumb. Female soldiers glamorous eyes wide open, long ago there is no kind of cold proud of the temperament, replaced by the shock, puzzled and unwilling, and even a hint of being pampered. At last she felt her chest inflated to the extreme under the constant rubbing of the princess, and the tight corset was about to be restrained. The neck and waist were also tightly closed by the clothes. Shamir female soldier \"ah!\" Shouted, covered with all the muscles are drained, the last portal of the abdomen has also been fully opened. Only listen to \"pop puer\" soon, one-third of the dagger did not enter the female soldier\u0027s petite abdomen, even if the thorn is still not deep, but enough to ask the female soldier\u0027s life.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Uh, uh, uh ... um ... uh ... who are you ....\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Sheer blade into the abdomen became hot, Shaman women know they did not have any chance of surviving, so she bent a leg up propped up his upper body, would like to take a look at the girl who took their own lives Face.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Whirring ... this palace is the princess of the king of aya, this specially took the witch\u0027s life, etc. Your sins have been redeemed with this dagger, go to peace!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Strike the princess fiercely pulled out the dagger from the navel of the female soldier. Because that dagger is a peerless blade, together with the female soldier belt lean enough tight, piercing the belt and skin even without a trace of blood, when pulled out just bring out a little bit of blood. \"Ah ~ ~ ----\" Female soldier issued a long cry, not because she had a lot of pain, but it means that she is about to Hong Jade Jade soul to the sky. Think of here, the female soldier could not help but mention the buttocks, waist and abdomen will be high, in order to ease the body that will take away their own dry heat. At this time the female soldier\u0027s delicate yin and testis sway slightly to the princess, which is simply the princess is the mysterious black temptation. So the princess put aside his skirt to withstand the chastity belt of Shaman women.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Emm ~ By such a big stimulus, even the following is still dry, but also the first breast.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      After the female soldier shook her chest and abdomen, the princess decided to give her a soothing touch of comfort before her death, trying to make her young virgin body seep the essence of love. Princess feel very lucky this time, the female soldiers die not fast, and the body did not disappear signs. Is it possible to preserve the whole body while having sex with them while killing them?</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Um ...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The body of the female soldier regained her softness at this time, her eyes closed on the floor wriggling like a water snake, his mouth moaning like a wonderful piece of music. The princess gently picked her up, as if holding her closest sister, feel the female soldier\u0027s skin friction on their own feeling. Female soldiers constantly wriggling in the arms of the princess, the rising big chest constantly touching the body of the princess, his mouth murmured to say last words:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Right ... sorry ... Queen adults .. Daughter is going to ... war dead ... uh ... can not ... back to your body ... .... ..Well....\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The princess rubbed her blond short hair and kissed her little mouth. Loose, the princess saw Shaman female mouth flow of blood. Because of the intense writhing of the female soldier, the pair of white rabbits finally jumped out of her bondage. Then \"pop\" sound, a love of water trace in the virgin\u0027s virginity to open up, that burst of milk also spray out two small breasts. Female soldiers at this time eyes wide open, blushing face, face incredible with a small mouth, \"ah, ah,\" cried, and finally a body crooked head crooked in the arms of her in the arms of Hong Yu Jade.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"This is dead ah ~ I have not shot yet - but the body really did not disappear, it seems I guess right ~\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Looking at the Shaman jade body guard in front of her body, the unmet princess put her corset back on her breast, and then lie down with the female soldier. The body of the female soldier who lost her life limp on the princess limp, her breasts clinging to the princess\u0027s chest, her little lip still touching the princess\u0027s lips, and a few drops of sweet blood falling on the princess\u0027s mouth. As she had just died, the female soldier\u0027s chest was full of elasticity, while the entire abdomen became unusually soft, like a smooth, blanket of wool. The princess felt the following itch embarrassed, one hugged Shaman female body, one hand rubbing her hair to her lips and their own plug together, the other hand in her behind stroking slender waist, legs are pliers Summer women who live in Shamir that pair of handsome boots with slender legs, leg and leg belly embraced the women in the hinterland, the lower body rubbed the female soldier wet yin. Female soldiers eventually did not pull out the waist of the sword crashed crashing, and finally the princess in the cry of sensuality also shot a love liquid.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Call ~ but a wish ~\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The princess obtained the key from the waist of the Shaman woman and pushed the corpse of the female soldier on her body to the side. Then she helped her \"lover\" close his eyes and lips, leaving the body of the female soldier upright, her hands on the lower abdomen to make warrior funeral gesture. The princess finally left behind with a key after offering a kiss on the lips of the female soldier, leaving only the body of the loyal and beautiful Shaman female guard lying in the cold dungeon.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>       </p>                    