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<p> [uploadedimage:110384]</p> <p> 在四十多年冷战岁月中,那个社会主义国家是最为封闭与独裁的呢?</p> <p> 并不是苏联、朝鲜,而是阿尔巴尼亚。(虽然红色高棉和海地一样疯狂,但至少它还有外交,而阿尔巴尼亚直接废除了外交与外语教育。)</p> <p> 恩维尔·霍查统治下的阿尔巴尼亚是一个一党制国家,在那里,任何类似异见或“资产阶级右派”的东西都遭到残酷镇压。历史书不允许提及其他政党的存在。任何收听外国广播电台或观看美国或英国电影的人将被判入狱10年。</p> <p> 此外,所有的教堂都是非法的。阿尔巴尼亚社会主义共和国成为了唯一一个无神论国家,它的官方国家宗教是“马克思列宁主义”。</p> <p> (列宁主义是马克思主义的一种改良形式,是马克思理论的巴斯德化,用于共产主义政权。)</p> <p> 恩维尔·霍查(Enver Hoxha)是“没有‘新精神’就不能实现社会主义”这一观点的坚定支持者,他认为这种“新精神”应该通过国家的力量注入国家。</p> <p> 他称之为革命的“精神”部分。</p> <p> 对他来说,“宗教”一词毫无意义。世俗国家只有国家才是上帝,国家是无神论者,这种想法本身就是一种诅咒。</p> <p> 霍查相信,如果人们受到适当的教育,他们会看到宗教是富人的工具,并愿意不经斗争就放弃他们的“迷信”。</p> <p> 事实上,阿尔巴尼亚是一个神权国家。政府的权力被赋予了该党,该党本身就是霍查铁腕统治下的独裁政权。</p> <p> 与此同时,霍查才是一位真正教条的斯大林主义者、意识形态上的十字军。根本不考虑国家利益的情况下,先后抨击资本主义阵营、社会主义阵营、不结盟运动。无论是苏联、南斯拉夫、中华人民共和国都被霍查陆续先后要求援助与抨击为修正主义者,却始终跟美国、英国中断外交关系。</p> <p> 最终,霍查的意识形态狂热和他对革命纯洁性的痴迷导致了国家的孤立和最终垮台。</p> <p> 霍查政权的倒台是对阿尔巴尼亚“新精神”声望的重大打击。</p> <p> 但在这片乌云中有一线希望。</p> <p> </p> <p> 1985年9月</p> <p> </p> <p> 阿尔巴尼亚劳动党第一书记拉米兹·阿利雅站在机场注视着苏联领导人罗曼诺夫的飞机降落在机场。</p> <p> 阿利雅的手塞进夹克的口袋里,他咬着指甲的一侧,这是一种紧张的习惯。</p> <p> 苏联领导人走下飞机,说:“拉米兹·阿利雅,不是吗?我在里尔市听到了你的演讲。演讲很精彩。”</p> <p> “谢谢你,同志。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫伸出他的手,阿利雅紧紧地握着,用力地握手。</p> <p> “我希望你的巴黎之行进展顺利。我相信它是富有成果的。”</p> <p> “是的,谢谢。”</p> <p> “我对你对苏联现状的看法也很感兴趣。”罗曼诺夫笑了笑说:“我对阿尔巴尼亚劳动党同志们也感兴趣,我坚信我们能像霍查同志与斯大林同志一样为了阿尔巴尼亚人民与苏联人民的友谊与幸福生活而斗争。”</p> <p> “我也希望如此。”阿利雅点点头。</p> <p> </p> <p> 两位最高领导人很快离开了机场,他们走下红地毯,穿过出口,受到护送人员的迎接。</p> <p> 两辆车在外面等着,一辆黑色的拉达和一辆蓝色的伏尔加。领导们上了车,车辆开往当地的一家酒店。</p> <p> 酒店位于公园附近,有一个小池塘和一个儿童游乐场。</p> <p> 一个侍者给他们倒了些茶,说:“希望您在这里过得愉快。如果您还需要什么,请尽管问。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫点点头。</p> <p> 两辆车开走了,领导看着他们开走了。</p> <p> 阿利雅盯着池塘,然后说,“问题是……我在理解事物方面有点困难。我们是如何从铁幕走向这个世界的?世界将走向何方?”</p> <p> “世界在前进。”罗曼诺夫放下茶说:“我们知道我们各自的祖国并非完美无缺,但我们信奉的理想一直激励着全世界的人民。我们有时会迷失前进方向与犯下路线错误,但是我们会努力拨乱反正。社会主义并非意味着闭关自守,而是主动接纳世界,与人类共生共存;社会主义并非是依靠对未来的憧憬来实现乌托邦,而是去靠自己亲手生活与斗争来参与并实现最美好的前途。”</p> <p> “我的想法完全正确。”阿利雅笑了。</p> <p> “现在,让我们看看我们是否能在不偏离正轨的情况下进行这场辩论。”罗曼诺夫向后靠在椅子上,伸开长腿说:“阿尔巴尼亚需要重新对外紧密贸易与回到经互会,阿尔巴尼亚300万人口人均GDP只有788.801美元,这对阿尔巴尼亚人民的生活水平太糟糕了。但是,苏联不会再无偿援助他国。”</p> <p> “苏联不是一个慈善机构。”阿利雅激动地说。</p> <p> “不,但它是一个贸易伙伴,阿尔巴尼亚希望得到一些贸易补偿并非不合理。苏联是一个富饶的国家。它的自然资源比阿尔巴尼亚多得多。当然,勃列日涅夫时代过去了。我们不会干预盟友内政,只要它坚持社会主义与愿意回到经济互助委员会。苏联可以提助一笔3亿卢布的低息贷款…”</p> <p> “作为交换,阿尔巴尼亚向苏联提供了什么?”</p> <p> “一个贸易伙伴,也是一个朋友,一个感谢苏联帮助的国家。”罗曼诺夫想了想说:“当然,我们需要阿尔巴尼亚在一些方面帮助我们,比如让一些华约的刑事罪犯与一些阿拉伯国家的难民偷渡到意大利。”</p> <p> “不可能。”阿利雅摇摇头。</p> <p> “想想看。这对左翼来说可能是一个巨大的宣传胜利,对国家来说也是一个巨大的经济利益。”罗曼诺夫解释说:“阿尔巴尼亚只需要帮助这些人偷渡到意大利,之后这些人怎么做跟苏联与阿尔巴尼亚没有什么关系。而且,南斯拉夫不是在因为民族问题而困扰吗?如果南斯拉夫出了什么情况,苏联可以支持保加利亚与阿尔巴尼亚保护自己的民族同胞。”</p> <p> “我明白你的意思,但必须对此采取措施。”</p> <p> “当然,苏联会等待你的考虑。只要你愿意,苏联会支持阿尔巴尼亚成为拥有科索沃的大阿尔巴尼亚国家。”罗曼诺夫微笑地说给阿利雅。</p> <p> “我不是开玩笑。”</p> <p> 阿利雅考虑了这个提议,说:“我得考虑一下。”</p> <p> “当然。你是你国家的领导人。选择权在你。”罗曼诺夫站了起来。“直到我们再次见面。”</p> <p> “我们再见。”</p> <p> “再见。”</p> <p> </p> <p> 这两辆车朝两个不同的方向驶去。阿利雅站在池塘边,凝视着蓝色的海水。</p> <p> 一阵微风吹来,树叶沙沙作响。公园里到处都是孩子们玩耍的声音。</p> <p> 阳光明媚,温暖了他的脸。旅馆里没有生命迹象,但他知道他们会回来的。事实上,他知道他们必须这么做。</p> <p> </p> <p> 美国是帝国主义国家,苏联是霸权主义国家…但是,阿尔巴尼亚没有选择。没有其他选择。然而,前进的道路将是艰难的。</p> <p> 当他坐在那里,用手拨弄曼陀林的琴弦时,他想到了未来。他想到了这个世界,想到了苏联是如何在这个世界上成为一股向善的力量。他想到了人民的自由,以及一个自由的阿尔巴尼亚将如何成为黑暗欧洲的灯塔。</p> <p> 作为一名共产主义者,他有责任带领人民走向光明。如果全世界,特别是美国,想要摧毁苏联,那么他将竭尽全力阻止苏联。他是人民的战士,决不会做任何伤害人民的事。</p> <p> 然而,世界是一个复杂的地方。</p> <p> “你确定阿尔巴尼亚劳动党会同意我们的报价吗?总书记同志?”特雷古波娃在柜台在纸上用钢笔书写笔记问,罗曼诺夫把手从靠墙边的曼陀林上收回说:“亲爱的,你猜猜今年阿尔巴尼亚的GDP增长率是多少?”</p> <p> “这将是4.4%?”特雷古波娃困惑地问道。</p> <p> “不,今年阿尔巴尼亚GDP增长率是负增长-1.5%。”</p> <p> “什么?!”特雷古波娃大声说,从她的笔记中抬起头来。</p> <p> “你难道不明白吗?这意味着产出的下降。结果,这个国家最终会赚更少的钱。”</p> <p> “我不明白,”特雷古波娃扭着手说。</p> <p> “你在说什么?”</p> <p> “该国只是生产了比前一年更少的商品。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫走到她面前说:“当然,这是霍查完全对外封闭的结果。所以,他们需要我们的援助、经济紧密贸易与回到经互会。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃站了起来,有点困惑。“我不明白你在说什么。”</p> <p> “这个国家一直在孤立自己。正因为如此,它的产量减少了。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃睁大了眼睛,她看起来好像要反对,罗曼诺夫说:“安静,你说过我是完全正确的,对吗?”她没有回答,罗曼诺夫继续说,“关键是,我们需要他们。这样,我们不仅给他们提供援助,我们还为他们提供了一种交易。一种公平的交易。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃看起来仍然有点困惑。她说:“恐怕我一点都不明白。”</p> <p> “没关系,你只要听我的话就行了。”罗曼诺夫把柜台上的晶体收音机打开,调大声音。酒店大厅里充满了阿尔巴尼亚民歌的声音。</p> <p> “海宽山高,农民穷,狼大……”</p> <p> “阿尔巴尼亚,外面的世界已经听不见你的声音太久了。作为苏联政府,我们有责任把你带回到我们的圈子里。前进的道路是贸易。前进的道路是合作。前进的道路是共产主义的道路。”罗曼诺夫躺回床上盯着她。“我们需要这样做。”</p> <p> 她看起来有点不确定。“但是,同志……”</p> <p> “没有但是。这是阿尔巴尼亚前进的道路。我们需要前进。选择很简单。合作还是孤立。你看到选择了吗?”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃咽了下喉咙,说:“我想是的。”</p> <p> “我们是为了人类的解放与真理而生活与斗争,这就足够了。”罗曼诺夫盯着她说:“该死,我近视更严重了,我看的有点模糊。”</p> <p> “我不是近视,”特雷古波娃说,有点恼火。</p> <p> “很好,我们快到了,我看得很清楚,”罗曼诺夫抓着下巴说。“你应该帮帮我,我已经老了,哪天眼睛瞎了就糟糕了。”</p> <p> “我不认为你会失明,”特雷古波娃翻着眼睛说。</p> <p> “真的吗?你真的不担心我的身体吗?过来。”罗曼诺夫抓住她的手,把她拉近,吻了吻她的嘴唇。他说:“给你一个吻。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃睁大了眼睛。“你真恶心!”她打了他一巴掌。</p> <p> “嘿!如果我是一个卑鄙的有钱人,你会爱上我的。所以控告我。”</p> <p> “我会给你一个机会。如果你再这样做,我会……”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫打断了她的话说:“怎么样?跟所有人说你被我吻了?”</p> <p> “你不会……”</p> <p> “你跟我是一体的,你认为让所有人知道你不单是我的秘书长还跟我有私人关系会怎么样?”</p> <p> “你什么都不会做,因为你没有理由这么做。而且,因为你害怕被抓住和惩罚。”特雷古波娃低头看着。“我想你是对的。好吧,如果你坚持……”</p> <p> “好女孩,嘿,你阻止了我失明。再吻我一次。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃犹豫了片刻,吻了一下罗曼诺夫。</p> <p> “是的,你知道,我知道你会理解的。这就是为什么我选择你作为我的,你知道的,秘书长。”</p> <p> “呃,实际上是总书记,”特雷古波娃翻着白眼纠正他。</p> <p> “不管怎样,这并不重要。”罗曼诺夫平躺在床上说:“重要的是,我们是关系亲密的人。你需要无条件信任我,对吗?”</p> <p> “嗯,当然了,”她说,没有防备。</p> <p> “好,等回到苏联,你要帮我在克里姆林宫:每个建筑都安装窃听装置。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃眨了几下眼睛,然后说:“对不起?”</p> <p> “我需要监听那群政治局委员,即使是克格勃,我也担心会被他们暗中窃听。”他坐起来,用胳膊搂住她。“在你的帮助下,我可以保证这个酒店房间里没有一台录音设备。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃静静地坐着,低头看着自己的膝盖。</p> <p> “总书记,”她低声说,几乎听不见。</p> <p> “这是什么?”</p> <p> “我帮不了你……这件事。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫严肃地盯着她说:“为什么?我信任你才这样问,你对我来说是最特殊的。你不愿意帮我窃听吗?”“我不确定我是……”</p> <p> “看着我,你不愿意为了我与苏维埃的稳定做这些事情吗?我们的关系只是虚假的吗?”</p> <p> 她沉默了一会儿,低头看了看。</p> <p> “你觉得怎么样?”他问道。</p> <p> “我……我不知道,”她说。“我需要时间思考。”</p> <p> “好吧,现在我们睡觉吧。”罗曼诺夫闭上眼睛。</p> <p> “同志……”特雷古波娃说,听起来有些犹豫,“我不能和你睡觉。”</p> <p> “哦,来吧,”他说。“我不会咬人的。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃把目光移开,喃喃自语道:“反正不是字面意义上的。”然后,她转身睡着了。</p> <p> </p> <p> 几个小时后,罗曼诺夫叫醒了她。“起来,瞌睡虫。”</p> <p> “我们要去哪里?”她问。</p> <p> “阿尔巴尼亚劳动党大会,穿上衣服跟我走。”</p> <p> “我们不应该等其他人吗?”</p> <p> “不,他们可以自己照顾自己。”罗曼诺夫站起来吻了吻她的额头。“来吧。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃慢慢地站起来,穿好衣服。她吻了他一下。“我在大厅等你。”</p> <p> “我会去的,”罗曼诺夫拉着她说。</p> <p> 他们离开旅馆房间,走向一座有红星的白色大建筑物。他们走近时,巨大的钢门打开了。</p> <p> “这是入口,”罗曼诺夫解释道。“它将把我们带到召开大会的任何地方。”</p> <p> “如果我们不受欢迎怎么办?”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫愣了一下问:“你为什么会这么想?阿尔巴尼亚劳动党也是共产主义政党,而且他们还需要我们苏联的援助。”</p> <p> “但如果他们不需要我们的帮助怎么办?”</p> <p> “那我们就不得不拒绝,”罗曼诺夫回答。</p> <p> “这可能适得其反。”</p> <p> “你想多了,阿尔巴尼亚现在才23亿美元GDP,他们会放弃3亿援助吗?不。”</p> <p> “但如果这在政治上是不可接受的呢?”</p> <p> “不是。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃什么也没说。</p> <p> “经济不过是政治通过另一种手段的继续。别担心了,我们进入会场吧。”</p> <p> 特雷古波娃走在他前面走进了大楼。</p> <p> </p> <p> 阿尔巴尼亚劳动党大会上,阿尔巴尼亚劳动党第一书记拉米兹·阿利雅坐在正前排的中间,罗曼诺夫在他旁边喝茶。</p> <p> 拉米兹·阿利雅起身拿着报告开始他的演讲说:“同志们,今天是我们一直在等待的日子。议会决定支持我们对苏联援助的请求。我们很高兴有这样一个强大的盟友。用K.马克思的话来说,“各尽所能,各取所需「From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.」。”</p> <p> 掌声响起。</p> <p> “在我们开始之前,我想宣布一件事。”</p> <p> 大家都沉默了。</p> <p> “我知道这是一个历史性的时刻,对我们的国家具有深远的意义。今天讨论的决定不仅是一个历史性时刻,而且是我国政治和经济的转折点。我们有机会向全世界表明,通往共产主义的道路是和平的。议会通过的新政策将使阿尔巴尼亚成为世界上最强大的国家之一。它还将为我们的人民带来一个前所未有的进步和繁荣的时代。我们的目标是使阿尔巴尼亚成为超级大国,这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。因此,让我们大家都欢欣鼓舞。”</p> <p> 一些人鼓掌,但其他人保持沉默。拉米兹·阿里亚等待掌声平息,然后再次开始演讲。“现在,我想介绍一位非常特别的客人。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫走上前去。</p> <p> “同志们,同志们,你们好。”</p> <p> 人群低声问候。</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫站立起来没有稿纸就开始演讲说:“今天是1985年,即是伟大的卫国战争胜利四十周年,也是阿尔巴尼亚领袖霍查同志离开的日子。在这四十年之中,苏联与阿尔巴尼亚都在道路上偏移过、犯过错误。但是,毫无疑问布尔什维克与阿尔巴尼亚劳动党都是为了全人类迈向消灭阶级、按需分配的共产主义社会前进着!那么还有什么可以辩论的呢?只有方法,才能实现这一光荣目标。换言之,这就是我们要走的道路。正如那句老话所说:‘手段证明目的’。</p> <p> 资本主义‘成功’的结果是无产阶级劳动者社会地位不断降低,出现生存条件成本不断增长的现象、年轻人丧失对知识与自我实现的追求,只以财富判断社会价值。货币消费购买力下降,住房、医疗、养老、教育费用与社会基尼系数不断扩大。为什么工业化社会生育率下降?就是原因。如果这是全人类的未来,我只能说这样的人类文明绝对不会能殖民外太空。它只会在这颗小行星上等待灭亡。</p> <p> 资本主义者是个可怜的瞎子,看不见我们背后的真理和自由。不是现在,而是在新的社会经济形态社会主义下实现劳动人民的美好生活。最好的社会形态肯定会赢。我们的劳动人民永远占据绝大多数。社会主义是时代与未来的要求。通往共产主义的道路是漫长而艰难的,但我们有完成它的意志和知识。</p> <p> 60多年来,苏联一直是世界的灯塔。我们并不完美,我们正在变得更好,但我们还有很长的路要走,以完善我们的方法。我们选择的道路是全人类社会正义和进步的道路。我们也坚信阿尔巴尼亚会与苏联以及其他社会主义国家共同发展!但我们永远不会忘记我们选择的道路。我们永远不会向新自由主义贪婪的道路低头!我们永远不会抛弃比我们弱的人!</p> <p> 我们将继续建设一个强大、繁荣、和平的国家,成为世界效仿的榜样。为了真正的真理与自由!社会主义万岁!劳动者万岁!革命万岁!</p> <p> 我们伟大的国家阿尔巴尼亚万岁!\"</p> <p> 掌声响起。</p> <p> “谢谢你,同志。我还想在热烈的掌声中加入我的声音。我们都必须拥抱社会主义的理想,并朝着实现社会主义的方向前进,以期为全人类创造一个更美好的世界。一种不再存在剥削等级制度的制度,在这种制度中,每个人都能够以一种值得享有其所有人权和尊严的方式生活。我说我们的旅程才走了一半,我们前面还有一条漫长而危险的道路。通往地狱的路是用善意铺成的。唯一的办法是在革命斗争的火焰中前进。让我们共同努力。让我们为同样的事业而奋斗!一个没有国界的世界!这个世界是所有人的天堂,也是每个人心中的天堂。一个全人类都有兄弟情谊的世界。一个没有战争的世界!一个和平的世界!一个真正自由的世界!让我们一起努力,一起战斗,让我们为一个正义和兄弟情谊的世界而奋斗。因为只有通过斗争,我们才有希望实现这一目标。”</p> <p> “格里戈里·瓦西里耶维奇同志万岁!”</p> <p> 掌声响起。</p> <p> “我的朋友们,我们必须站在一起。通过斗争,通过牺牲,通过艰难困苦,我们都将克服。我们都必须齐心协力。我们都必须为共同的利益而奋斗。”</p> <p> “我们将为一个和平与兄弟情谊的世界而战。为一个所有人团结繁荣共同生活的世界而战。为更美好的未来而战!为全人类的未来而战!”</p> <p> “为了全人类的未来!”</p> <p> “为了社会主义的未来!”</p> <p> “为了一个光明的共产主义未来!”</p> <p> “为了全世界的工人,没有国界,没有奴隶!”</p> <p> “为了全世界的工人,带着自豪和尊严,没有恐惧!”</p> <p> “为我们伟大的国家阿尔巴尼亚万岁!”</p> <p> </p> <p> 演讲完成后,罗曼诺夫与阿利雅回到会谈室里。</p> <p> “嗯,怎么样?”罗曼诺夫问。</p> <p> “你说的很好,但我们怎么知道这和上次有什么不同?”阿利雅怀疑地问。</p> <p> “我们没有选择,不是吗?对了,我希望能平反霍查时期的政治犯。”</p> <p> “我也是。你在想什么?”</p> <p> “嗯,这是相当明显的。第一步将是释放我们大部分时间关押的人。”</p> <p> “这并不是那么简单。政府已经释放了几名政治犯,以便于释放政治犯。这是一个困难的过程,他们不会轻易放弃。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫点点头说:“然后,阿尔巴尼亚需要发展经济,以农业机械化与旅游业为方向。当然,这只是我的个人建议。然而,我认为,在这些领域,我们将能够最有效地展示我们的实力。政府应该考虑这些建议。我相信他们会受到欢迎。但是现在,我认为我们应该讨论当前的政治局势。我们的时间很少,所以我希望你们都能尽可能地提高效率。”</p> <p> “我已经在这方面做了很多工作,我已经想出了一份我认为应该释放的人的名单,以便帮助释放政治犯。”</p> <p> 罗曼诺夫点点头说:“很好,明天我就要回到苏联了。那么,阿尔巴尼亚劳动党会接受之前的提议吗?”</p> <p> “这可能是一种选择,”阿利雅说。“我们会与苏联重建外交关系并回到经济互助委员会,但是苏联将保证阿尔巴尼亚的安全与贸易往来。”</p> <p> “我相信这会令人满意的,”罗曼诺夫说。</p> <p> “我还确信,为了使这项工作顺利进行,我们将不得不释放一些政治犯,”阿利雅说。</p> <p> “那是你的选择,”罗曼诺夫说。</p> <p> “如你所愿,”阿利雅说。“谢谢。”</p> <p> “我也很感谢,”罗曼诺夫说。</p> <p> </p> <p> 接下来的几天在旋风中过去了。部长会议一致投票决定与苏联建立外交关系。苏联大使安·赫里斯坚科(An V.Khristenko)和他的妻子伊琳娜(Irina)抵达阿尔巴尼亚,苏联驻其他国家大使馆的几个代表团也抵达了阿尔巴尼亚。苏联贸易代表叶夫根尼·阿法纳斯·耶夫呼吁两国建立自由贸易区。</p> <p> 释放政治犯的过程就在同一天开始。名单上的囚犯被移交给红十字会,红十字会开始将他们送往自由国家。在下个月期间,名单上剩余的囚犯被释放。</p> <p> 然而,不久前,苏联代表开始向阿尔巴尼亚政府施压,要求其建立正式外交关系。然而,阿尔巴尼亚政府对苏联的影响持谨慎态度。</p> <p> [newpage]</p> <p> [uploadedimage:110384]</p> <p> Which socialist country was the most closed and dictatorial during the forty years of the Cold War?</p> <p> Not the Soviet Union or North Korea, but Albania. (Although the Khmer Rouge was as crazy as Haiti, at least it had diplomacy, while Albania abolished diplomacy and foreign language education outright.)</p> <p> Albania under Enver Hoxha was a one-party state where anything even resembling dissent or \"bourgeois rightism\" was brutally crushed. History books were not allowed to mention the existence of other political parties. Anyone caught listening to foreign radio stations or watching American or British films would be jailed for 10 years.</p> <p> Also, all churches were outlawed. the Socialist Republic of Albania became the only atheist state, and its official state religion was \"Marxism-Leninism\".</p> <p> (Leninism is a modified form of Marxism, a bastardization of Karl Marx\u0027s theories for use in Communist regimes.)</p> <p> Enver Hoxha was a fierce proponent of the view that \"socialism cannot be achieved without a \u0027new spirit,\u0027 \" and that this \"new spirit\" should be infused into the nation by the power of the state.</p> <p> He called this the \"spiritual\" component of the revolution.</p> <p> To him, the word \"religion\" had no meaning. It was anathema to the very idea of a secular state in which only the state could be god, and the state was atheist.</p> <p> Hoxha believed that, if the people were educated properly, they would see that religion was a tool of the rich and would willingly give up their \"superstition\" without a fight.</p> <p> In reality, Albania was a theocracy. The government\u0027s power was invested in the Party, which was itself a dictatorship under Hoxha\u0027s iron fist.</p> <p> At the same time, it was Hoxha who was a true dogmatic Stalinist, an ideological crusader. Without any consideration for national interests, he successively attacked the capitalist camp, the socialist camp, and the Non-Aligned Movement. Both the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and the People\u0027s Republic of China were successively asked by Hoxha for assistance and attacked as revisionists, while always breaking diplomatic relations with the United States and Britain.</p> <p> In the end, Hoxha\u0027s ideological zealotry and his obsession with the purity of the revolution led to the isolation and eventual downfall of the country.</p> <p> The fall of Hoxha\u0027s regime was a major blow to the prestige of the \"new spirit\" in Albania.</p> <p> But there was a silver lining in this dark cloud.</p> <p> </p> <p> September 1985</p> <p> </p> <p> First Secretary of the Albanian Labor Party Ramiz Alia stands at the airport watching Soviet leader Romanov\u0027s plane land at the airport.</p> <p> Alia\u0027s hands are stuffed in his jacket\u0027s pockets, and he is biting the side of his fingernail, a nervous habit.</p> <p> The Soviet leader steps off the plane, and says, \"Ramiz Alia, isn\u0027t it? I heard your speech in the city of Lille. It was well delivered.\"</p> <p> \"Thank you, Comrade.\"</p> <p> Romanov holds out his hand, which Alia grips and shakes vigorously.</p> <p> \"I hope your trip to Paris went smoothly. I trust it was fruitful.\"</p> <p> \"It was, thank you.\"</p> <p> \"I was also very interested in your thoughts on the current state of the Soviet Union.\"</p> <p> Romanov smiled and said, \"I am also interested in the comrades of the Albanian Labor Party, and I am convinced that we can fight for the friendship and happy life of the Albanian people with the Soviet people, just like Comrade Hoxha and Comrade Stalin.\"</p> <p> \"I hope so, too.\" Alia nods.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> The two top leaders soon left the airport. They walked down the red carpet and through the exit, where they were greeted by their escort.</p> <p> Two cars were waiting outside, a black Lada and a blue Volga. The leaders got in the cars, and the vehicles drove to a local hotel.</p> <p> The hotel was located near a park, and had a small pond and a children\u0027s playground.</p> <p> A waiter poured them some tea, and said, \"I hope you enjoy the stay. If you need anything else, do not hesitate to ask.\"</p> <p> Romanov nodded.</p> <p> The two cars drove off, and the leader watched them drive away.</p> <p> Alia stared at the pond, and said, \"The thing is... I\u0027m having a bit of trouble understanding things. How did we get from the Iron Curtain to this? Where is the world going?\"</p> <p> \"The world is going.\" Romanov put down his tea and said. \"We know that our respective homelands are not perfect, but the ideals we believe in have been an inspiration to people all over the world. We sometimes lose our way and make mistakes in our course, but we try to set things right. Socialism does not mean closing ourselves off, but taking the initiative to accept the world and coexist with humanity; socialism is not about relying on visions of the future to achieve utopia, but going to live and struggle with our own hands to participate and achieve the best possible future.\"</p> <p> \"My thoughts exactly.\" Alia smiled.</p> <p> \"Now, let\u0027s see if we can have this debate without getting sidetracked.\" Romanov leaned back in the chair, stretched his long legs, and said, \"Albania needs to get back into close foreign trade with back to the ECCU, Albania\u0027s GDP per capita of 3 million people is only $788.801, which is too bad for the standard of living of the Albanian people. However, the Soviet Union will no longer aid other countries without compensation.\"</p> <p> \"The Soviet Union is not a charity.\" Alia said hotly.</p> <p> \"No, but it is a trading partner, and it is not unreasonable for Albania to expect some compensation for the trade. The Soviet Union is a country of abundance. It has far more natural resources than Albania. Of course, the Brezhnev era is over. We will not interfere in the internal affairs of our ally, as long as it adheres to socialism & is willing to return to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. The Soviet Union can assist with a low-interest loan of $300 million...\"</p> <p> \"And in exchange, what does Albania offer the Soviet Union?\"</p> <p> \"A trading partner, who is also a friend, a country that is grateful for the help it has received from the Soviet Union.\" Romanov thought about it and said, \"Of course, we need Albania to help us in some ways, such as allowing some Warsaw Pact criminal criminals to be smuggled into Italy with some refugees from Arab countries.\"</p> <p> \"Not a chance.\" Alia shook his head.</p> <p> \"Think about it. This could be a huge propaganda victory for the Left, and a huge financial benefit for the country.\" Albania only needs to help smuggle these people into Italy, and what these people do after that has little to do with the Soviet Union and Albania,\" Romanov explained. Besides, wasn\u0027t Yugoslavia troubled by ethnic problems? If something happens to Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union can support Bulgaria and Albania in protecting their fellow nationalities.\"</p> <p> \"I see your point, but something will have to be done about this.\"</p> <p> \"Of course, the Soviet Union will wait for your consideration. If you want, the Soviet Union will support Albania to become the Great Albanian State with Kosovo.\" Romanov said, smiling, to Alia.</p> <p> \"I\u0027m not joking.\"</p> <p> Alia considered the offer, and said, \"I\u0027ll have to think about it.\"</p> <p> \"Of course. You are the leader of your country. The choice is yours.\" Romanov stood up. \"Until we meet again.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027ll be seeing you.\"</p> <p> \"See you soon.\"</p> <p> The two cars drove off in two different directions. Alia stood by the pond, staring at the blue water.</p> <p> A soft breeze blew, rustling the leaves of the trees. All around him, the park was filled with the sound of children playing. The sun shone brightly, warming his face. There was no sign of life from the hotel, but he knew they would return. In fact, he knew they had to.</p> <p> </p> <p> The United States was an imperialist country, the Soviet Union was a hegemonic power...but Albania had no choice. There was no other option. The path forward, however, would be a difficult one.</p> <p> As he sat there, his hand strumming the strings of a mandolin, he thought about the future. He thought about the world, and how the Soviet Union was a force for good in it. He thought about the freedom of the people, and how a free Albania would be a beacon of light in a dark Europe.</p> <p> As a Communist, it was his duty to lead the people towards the light. If the world, and America in particular, wanted to destroy the Soviet Union, then he would do everything in his power to stop them. He was a soldier of the people, and would never do anything to harm the people.</p> <p> However, the world was a complex place.</p> <p> \"Are you sure that the Albanian Labor Party will agree to our offer? Comrade General Secretary?\" Tregubova asked, writing notes on paper with a pen at the counter, as Romanov withdrew his hand from the mandolin against the wall and said, \"My dear, guess what Albania\u0027s GDP growth rate will be this year?\"</p> <p> \"That it will be 4.4%?\" Tregubova asked, puzzled.</p> <p> \"No, this year Albania\u0027s GDP growth rate is negative -1.5%.\"</p> <p> \"What?!\" Tregubova exclaimed, looking up from her notes.</p> <p> \"Don\u0027t you understand? This represents a decrease in output. As a result, the country will actually end up making less money.\"</p> <p> \"I don\u0027t understand,\" Tregubova said, wringing her hands.</p> <p> \"What are you talking about?\"</p> <p> \"The country just produced less goods than it did the previous year.\"</p> <p> Romanov came up to her and said, \"Of course, this is the result of the complete closure of Hoxha to the outside world. So, they need our aid, economic close trade and return to the ECC.\"</p> <p> Tregubova stood up, a bit confused. \"I don\u0027t understand what you\u0027re talking about.\"</p> <p> \"The country has been isolating itself. It\u0027s producing less because of it.\"</p> <p> Tregubova\u0027s eyes widened, and she looked as if she were going to object, when Romanov said, \"Quiet, you said I was completely right, didn\u0027t you?\" She didn\u0027t answer, and Romanov continued, \"The point is, we need them. And, this way, we\u0027re not just giving them aid, we\u0027re offering them a trade. A fair trade.\"</p> <p> Tregubova looked a little confused still. She said, \"I\u0027m afraid that I don\u0027t understand any of this.\"</p> <p> \"It\u0027s okay, you just have to listen to me.\" Romanov turned on the crystal radio on the counter and cranked it up. The inside of the hotel lobby was filled with the sound of an Albanian folk song.</p> <p> \"The sea is wide, the mountain is high, the peasant is poor, the wolf is big...\"</p> <p> \"Albania, the outside world has been unable to hear you for far too long. It is our duty, as the Government of the Soviet Union, to bring you back into the fold. The way forward is trade. The way forward is cooperation. The way forward is the path of Communism.\" Romanov lay back on the bed and stared at her. \"We need to do this.\"</p> <p> She looked a little unsure. \"But, Comrade...\"</p> <p> \"No buts. This is the path forward for Albania. We need to move forward. The choice is simple. Cooperation or isolation. Do you see the choice?\"</p> <p> Tregubova swallowed, and said, \"I suppose so.\"</p> <p> \"We are living and fighting for the liberation and truth of mankind, that\u0027s enough.\" Romanov stared at her and said, \"Damn, I\u0027m more nearsighted, I\u0027m seeing a little blurry.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027m not nearsighted,\" Tregubova said, a bit annoyed.</p> <p> \"It\u0027s fine, we\u0027re almost there, I can see fine,\" Romanov said, scratching his chin. \"You should help me, I\u0027m already old and it would be bad if I go blind one day.\"</p> <p> \"I don\u0027t think you\u0027re going blind,\" Tregubova said, rolling her eyes.</p> <p> \"Really? You\u0027re really not worried about my body? Come here.\" Romanov grabbed her hand and pulled her close, smooching her on the lips. He said, \"Give you a kiss.\"</p> <p> Tregubova\u0027s eyes widened. \"You\u0027re disgusting!\" She slapped him.</p> <p> \"Hey! If I was a filthy rich guy, you\u0027d be all over me. So sue me.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027ll give you a chance. If you ever do that again I\u0027ll...\"</p> <p> Romanov interrupted her and said, \"How about that? Tell everyone that you were kissed by me?\"</p> <p> \"You\u0027re not going to...\"</p> <p> \"You and I are one, what do you think will happen if everyone knows that you are not only my secretary general but also have a personal relationship with me?\"</p> <p> \"You\u0027re not going to do anything, because you have no reason to do so. And, because you\u0027ll be terrified of being caught and punished.\" Tregubova looked down. \"I suppose you\u0027re right. Okay, if you insist...\"</p> <p> \"Good girl, and, hey, you did stop me from going blind. Kiss me again.\"</p> <p> Tregubova hesitated for only a brief moment, and kissed Romanov.</p> <p> \"Yes, you see, I knew you\u0027d understand. That\u0027s why I chose you as my, you know, secretary general.\"</p> <p> \"Uh, General Secretary, actually,\" Tregubova corrected him, rolling her eyes.</p> <p> \"Whatever, it\u0027s not like it matters.\" Romanov said, lying flat on his back, \"The important thing is that we are close people in a relationship. You need to trust me unconditionally, don\u0027t you?\"</p> <p> \"Uh, well of course,\" she said, taken off guard.</p> <p> \"Okay, when we get back to the Soviet Union, you\u0027re going to help me install bugging devices in every building in the Kremlin.\"</p> <p> Tregubova blinked a few times before saying, \"Excuse me?\"</p> <p> \"I need to wiretap that group of Politburo members, even the KGB, and I\u0027m worried about being secretly bugged by them.\" He sat up and put his arm around her. \"With your help, I can guarantee that there isn\u0027t a single recording device in this hotel room.\"</p> <p> Tregubova sat silently, looking down at her lap.</p> <p> \"General Secretary,\" she whispered, barely audible.</p> <p> \"What is it?\"</p> <p> \"I can\u0027t help you with... this.\"</p> <p> Romanov stared at her solemnly and said, \"Why? I trust you to ask this, you are most special to me. Wouldn\u0027t you like to help me eavesdrop?\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027m not sure I\u0027m...\"</p> <p> \"Look at me, won\u0027t you do this for my stability with the Soviets? Is our relationship just a sham?\"</p> <p> She remained silent for a moment, looking down.</p> <p> \"What do you think?\" he asked.</p> <p> \"I... I don\u0027t know,\" she said. \"I need time to think.\"</p> <p> \"Okay, now let\u0027s sleep.\" Romanov closed his eyes.</p> <p> \"Comrade...\" Tregubova said, sounding hesitant, \"I can\u0027t sleep with you.\"</p> <p> \"Oh, come on,\" he said. \"I\u0027m not going to bite.\"</p> <p> Tregubova looked away and mumbled, \"Not in a literal sense anyway.\" And, she turned away and fell asleep.</p> <p> A few hours later, Romanov waked her. \"Get up, sleepyhead.\"</p> <p> \"Where are we going?\" she asked.</p> <p> \"Albanian Labor Party Congress, get dressed and come with me.\"</p> <p> \"Shouldn\u0027t we wait for the others?\"</p> <p> \"No, they can fend for themselves.\" Romanov stood up and kissed her on the forehead. \"Come on.\"</p> <p> Tregubova slowly stood and got dressed. She kissed him back. \"I\u0027ll be waiting for you in the lobby.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027ll be there,\" Romanov said, pulling her close.</p> <p> They left the hotel room and walked toward a large white building with a red star. The massive steel door opened as they approached it.</p> <p> \"This is the entrance,\" Romanov explained. \"It will lead us to wherever the Congress is being held.\"</p> <p> \"What happens if we\u0027re not welcomed?\"</p> <p> Romanov froze for a moment and asked, \"Why do you think so? The Albanian Labor Party is also a communist party, and they need our Soviet aid.\"</p> <p> \"But what if they don\u0027t want our help?\"</p> <p> \"Then we\u0027ll have to decline it,\" Romanov replied.</p> <p> \"That could backfire.\"</p> <p> \"You\u0027re overthinking it, Albania only has a $2.3 billion GDP right now, are they going to give up $300 million in aid? No.\"</p> <p> \"But what if it\u0027s politically unacceptable?\"</p> <p> \"It isn\u0027t.\"</p> <p> Tregubova didn\u0027t say anything.</p> <p> \"The economy is just a continuation of politics through another means. Don\u0027t worry about it, let\u0027s get into the meeting.\"</p> <p> Tregubova walked ahead of him into the building.</p> <p> </p> <p> At the congress of the Albanian Labor Party, Ramiz Alia, the first secretary of the Albanian Labor Party, was sitting in the middle of the front row, with Romanov drinking tea next to him.</p> <p> Ramiz Alia got up with the report and started his speech saying. \"Comrades, today is the day we\u0027ve been waiting for. The Congress has decided to support our request for Soviet assistance. We\u0027re happy to have such a powerful ally. In the words of K. Marx, \u0027From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.\u0027\"</p> <p> Applause erupted.</p> <p> \"Before we begin, I\u0027d like to make one announcement.\"</p> <p> Everyone fell silent.</p> <p> \"I\u0027m aware that this is a historic moment and one that has profound meaning for our nation. The decision that is being discussed today is not only a historic moment, but a political and economic turning point for our country. We have an opportunity to show the entire world that the path to communism is a peaceful one. The new policy that the Congress has approved will make Albania one of the most powerful nations in the world. It will also usher in an era of unprecedented progress and prosperity for our people. Our goal is to make Albania a superpower, and this is a step in the right direction. So, let us all rejoice.\"</p> <p> Some people clapped, but others remained silent. Ramiz Alia waited for the applause to die down before starting his speech again. \"Now, I\u0027d like to introduce a very special guest.\"</p> <p> Romanov stepped forward.</p> <p> \"Comrades, comrades, hello.\"</p> <p> The crowd murmured greetings back.</p> <p> Standing up without a script, Romanov began his speech, saying: \"Today is 1985, the fortieth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the day of the departure of the Albanian leader, Comrade Hoxha. During these forty years, both the Soviet Union and Albania have deviated from the path and made mistakes. But there is no doubt that both the Bolsheviks and the Albanian Labor Party marched for the sake of all mankind towards a communist society with the elimination of classes and the distribution of goods according to needs! What is left to debate then? Only the method, the way to this glorious goal. In other words, the path to be taken. As the old saying goes: \u0027The means justify the ends.\u0027</p> <p> The result of the \u0027success\u0027 of capitalism is the decreasing social status of proletarian workers, the phenomenon of increasing costs of living conditions, the loss of the pursuit of knowledge and self-realization among young people, and the judging of social values only by wealth. The purchasing power of monetary consumption declines, and the cost of housing, health care, pensions, education and the social Gini coefficient continue to expand. Why did fertility rates decline in industrialized societies? That is the reason. If this is the future of all mankind, I can only say that such a human civilization will never be able to colonize outer space. It would just be on this asteroid waiting to perish.</p> <p> The capitalist is a poor blind man who can\u0027t see the truth and freedom behind us. Not now, but under a new social and economic form of socialism to achieve a better life for working people. The best social form will surely win. Our working people will always be the vast majority. Socialism is the requirement of the times and the future. The road to communism is long and hard, but we have the will and the knowledge to complete it.</p> <p> The Soviet Union has been a beacon of light to the world for over sixty years. We\u0027re not perfect, and we\u0027re getting better, but we have a long road ahead in which to perfect our methods. The path that we have chosen is a path of social justice and progress for all mankind. We are also convinced that Albania will develop together with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries! But we will never forget the path that we have chosen. We will never bow to the path of neo-liberal greed! We will never abandon those who are weaker than ourselves!</p> <p> We will continue to build a strong, prosperous, and peaceful nation that will be a model for the world to emulate. For real truth and freedom! Long live socialism! Long live the workers! Long live the revolution!</p> <p> Long live our great nation, Albania!\"</p> <p> Applause erupted.</p> <p> \"Thank you, comrade. I\u0027d also like to add my voice to the resounding chorus of applause. We must all embrace the ideals of socialism and march towards its realization in a bid to achieve a better world for all mankind. One in which there is no longer any exploitative hierarchy, in which each individual is able to live their life in a manner that is worthy of all their human rights and dignity. I say we\u0027re only halfway through the journey, and we have a long and treacherous road ahead of us. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The only way is to proceed through the flames of revolutionary struggle. Let us all work together. Let us all fight for the same cause! A world without borders or borders! A world that is a paradise for all and a paradise within each. A world in which there is a brotherhood among all of mankind. A world without war! A world with peace! A world of real and true freedom! Let us work together, let us fight together, let us struggle for a world of justice and brotherhood. For only, through struggle, can we hope to achieve it.\"</p> <p> \"Long live Comrade Grigory Vasilyevich!\"</p> <p> Applause erupted.</p> <p> \"My friends, we must all stand together. Through struggle, through sacrifice, through hardship, we will all overcome. We must all pull together. We must all fight for our common good.\"</p> <p> \"We will fight for a world of peace and brotherhood. For a world in which all live together in unity and prosperity. For a better future! For the future of all mankind!\"</p> <p> \"For the future of all mankind!\"</p> <p> \"For a socialist future!\"</p> <p> \"For a bright communist future!\"</p> <p> \"For the workers of the world, without borders, and without slaves!\"</p> <p> \"For the workers of the world, with pride and dignity, and no fear!\"</p> <p> \"Hurray for our great nation, Albania!\"</p> <p> </p> <p> After the speech was finished, Romanov and Alia returned to the meeting room.</p> <p> \"Well, how did it go?\" asked Romanov.</p> <p> \"You talk a good game, but how do we know this is any different from the last time?\" asked Alia skeptically.</p> <p> \"We don\u0027t have a choice, do we? By the way, I hope to vindicate the political prisoners of the Hoxha period.\"</p> <p> \"Me too. What did you have in mind?\"</p> <p> \"Well, it\u0027s rather obvious. The first step will be to free those we\u0027ve been holding for the most part.\"</p> <p> \"It\u0027s not that simple. The government has released several in order to facilitate the release of political prisoners. It\u0027s a difficult process, which they will not simply just abandon.\"</p> <p> Romanov nodded and said. \"Then, Albania needs to develop its economy in the direction of agricultural mechanization and tourism. Of course, this is just my personal suggestion. However, I think that these are the fields in which we will be able to show our strength the most effectively. The government should consider these suggestions. I\u0027m sure that they will be well-received. But now, I think we should discuss the current political situation. We have very little time, so I hope you all will be as efficient as possible.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027ve already done a lot of work on this front, I\u0027ve come up with an idea of a list of people that I think should be released in order to help facilitate the release of political prisoners.\"</p> <p> Romanov nodded and said, \"Very well, tomorrow I\u0027m going back to the Soviet Union. So, will the Albanian Labor Party accept the previous offer?\"</p> <p> \"It might be an option,\" said Alia. \"We will re-establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and return to the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, but the Soviet Union will guarantee Albania\u0027s security and trade contacts.\"</p> <p> \"I\u0027m sure that\u0027ll be satisfactory,\" said Romanov.</p> <p> \"I\u0027m also sure that we will have to release some political prisoners in order to make this work,\" said Alia.</p> <p> \"That\u0027s your choice,\" said Romanov.</p> <p> \"As you wish,\" said Alia. \"You have my thanks.\"</p> <p> \"My thanks too,\" said Romanov.</p> <p> </p> <p> The next few days passed by in a whirlwind. The Council of Ministers had voted unanimously to establish diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. The Soviet ambassador, An V. Khristenko, and his wife, Irina, arrived in Albania, as did several delegations from the Soviet embassies in other countries. The Soviet Trade Representative, Yevgeny V. Afanas\u0027ev, called for the establishment of a free trade area between the two countries.</p> <p> The process of releasing political prisoners began that very same day. The prisoners on the list were handed over to the Red Cross, who began to transport them to free countries. During the course of the next month, the remaining prisoners on the list were released.</p> <p> It was not long, however, before the Soviet Union\u0027s representative began pressuring the Albanian government to establish formal diplomatic relations. The Albanian government, however, was wary of the Soviet Union\u0027s influence.</p> <p> </p>