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                       <p>  人类只知道自己害怕吸血鬼,殊不知吸血鬼同样也怕人。当然,吸血鬼不是那种怕,大多数的人对于吸血鬼而言都没有丝毫的威胁性。他们主要是烦,不想见到这种同为两脚、寿命却短的吓人的低等生物。这是因为人类的聒噪,以及尊严上的缺失——如果遇到了强大的敌人,人类的第一考虑的不是如何变强,而是转身去寻求别人的帮助。大衮在上!自己的敌人一定要由自己亲手打败,这可是血族荣耀的底线,为何人类就能如此厚颜无耻地假手他人?而更恶心的是,人族偏偏还就有那种超乎常理、且爱管闲事的存在。总之,既然人类如此难缠,那自然是离的越远越好。可问题就在于,人类的聒噪和团结对应的是飞速的发展,以天际省之大,吸血鬼的安身之处却越来越少。怎样在一个荒无人烟的地方安家,这成了一个问题。</p>
<p>      Humans only know that they are afraid of vampires, but meanwhile, vampires are afraid of humans too. Of course, it is not “horror” afraid. Most humans do not even have threat to vampires. It is more like afraid of the bother, not willing to see these same biped creatures with horrifying short lives. This is due to their noisy living style, and the lack of dignity—If met with strong enemies, humans first came not how to become strong, but to turn around and seek for help of others. By Lord Dagon! One’s own enemy must be defeated by one’s own. It is the bottom line of the pride of the blood race. How could humans just brazenly ask for others’ help? What’s even more annoying, that humans always have those existing, so unnatural, while so officious. Anyway, since humans are so bothering to be dealt with, it is better just to stay away from them. However, the noisy and unity led to the fast developing. Skyrim is a large province, but the safe places for vampires to stay is becoming less and less. It became a great problem to find a home in a deserted area.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      不过这一切对伊莎贝拉来说都还好。当别的吸血鬼都尝试远离城区时,伊莎贝拉却决定反其道而行之。当然,她并不是愿意跟人类住在一起,只是她觉得,就算是有过人烟的地方,也同样可以找到一些被遗忘的隅角——比如海尔根。</p>
<p>      However, it is no big deal for Isabella. While other vampires are trying to stay away from town areas, Isabella chose to do the opposite. Well of course, she is not willing to live with humans. She just accepted to stay in places that once lived by humans, those forgotten corners that could be found—like Helgon.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      作为被巨龙袭击过的堡垒,尽管海尔根沟通着佛克瑞斯与溪木的大路,尽管它有过光辉的事迹和繁荣的街道,但一切都成为了历史。现在,海尔根已经彻底成为了人们的梦魇,一处人们唯恐避之不及的诅咒之地。</p>
<p>      As the castle once attacked by the dragon, even though Helgon connects the path between Falkreath and Riverwood, even though it once had a glorious past and a thriving street, they all became history. Nowadays, Helgon has become a nightmare, a cursed place that humans are afraid to even get close to.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      ——没错,伊莎贝拉的新家就安在了海尔根。作为一处已被知晓的废墟,海尔根不会获得平民的青睐,也不会吸引探险家的求知欲。住在这,颇有种大隐隐于市的奇特感受。伊莎贝拉甚至能听到城墙外响起车队的马蹄声,却自始至终没人敲醒海尔根沾满蛛网与灰尘的城门。</p>
<p>      --That’s right, Isabella put her new home in Helgon. As a well-known ruin, Helgon receives not attention from common citizens, not even interests from adventurers. By living here, its like living as a hermit in the bustling place. Isabella even hears hoofbeat of the carriages outside the castle walls, yet no one has ever knocked on the dusty gate covered with spider webs. </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我真是个天才。我做了一个大胆却正确的选择,这份智慧和勇气岂不是远超那群窝在瓦尔奇哈城堡瑟瑟发抖的老家伙们?</p>
<p>      I am such a genius. I have made a bold but correct choice. The wisdom and courage I had is greater than those old folks hiding in Castle Volkihar.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉一直如此沾沾自喜——她甚至为此专程回了一趟瓦尔奇哈城堡,去向那些挤成沙丁鱼的老伙计们炫耀她宽敞而静谧的新家。虽然哈孔大君和瑟娜拉之类的贵人不动声色,可一些较为年轻的吸血鬼对伊莎贝拉的自由还是露出了掩藏不住的艳羡,而这种艳羡,正是伊莎贝拉所想要的。盘桓了几日后,伊莎贝拉心满意足地回了海尔根,然后——她就在家里发现了两名不速之客。</p>
<p>      Isabella has been pleased for her choice for quite a while—she even returned to Castle Volkihar on purpose, to show off to those old ones who living crowded like sardines, that how roomy and quite her new home is. Though the nobility showed no reaction, the younger ones were envy on the freedom she had, which is exactly what she is hoping to get. After a few days staying, Isabella returned to Helgon satisfied—That’s when she find two un-welcomed guests in her home.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      除了吸血鬼,也会有一些其他的远离社会的人会为了居所而发愁,比如强盗。</p>
<p>      Besides vampire, there are sometimes other ones who are isolated from society and worry about places to stay, like bandits.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      那是两名女强盗。不知什么原因落了单,在这个破地方落了脚。</p>
<p>      It was two female bandits, left alone for some reason, and choose to stay at this ruin.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      当伊莎贝拉的脚步在庭院里响起时,那两个强盗从塔楼里现了身。其中一个强盗甚至一丝不挂,只踩了双高草靴就跑了出来,白皙的娇躯裸露无遗。也不知她是有裸睡的习惯还是怎么,反正伊莎贝拉前后总共走了不到十天,她们居然就把海尔根当成了自己的家,放得那么开。另一个女强盗倒是穿了衣服,不过所谓的衣服,其实也就是一圈皮胸和一条极短的皮草裙。性感而暴露的着装将强盗们健美纤条的曲线展露无遗。</p>
<p>      When Isabella set her footstep into the yard, the two bandits showed up from the tower. One of the bandits was even naked, with only a pair of straw sandals, exposing her thin white body. Maybe she had a habit of sleep in the nude. It is less than ten days before Isabella turned, and these two bandits took Helgon as their homes, while being so unrestricted. The other bandit was wearing cloth, which were only a circle of loricae and a short fur skirt. The sexy and revealing dresses showed out the bandits’ curved and bonny bodies. </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      尽管穿的匆忙,可她们很明显没有忘记自己最重要的东西——那就是武器。皮草衣裙的女人腰间别着把单手小斧,而那个赤裸的女贼则直接背了把几乎有人高的开山斧,俩人的走路姿势也嚣张,没有一般女性的优雅,而是耸着肩膀虚抬双手,看起来威势十足。然而伊莎贝拉丝毫不为所动。她的双眼一上一下,只看到了强盗们曼妙的身材和姣好的长相。伊莎贝拉刚出过一趟远门,她亟需几个血饲来补充下能量。</p>
<p>      Despite their haste, they were clearly not forgetting their most important things—their weapons. The bandit in fur dress had a one-handed hatchet strapped to her waist, while the naked one had an almost man-high hatchet. They walked in an aggressive manner, with no feminine elegance, but with their shoulders hunched and their hand raised slightly, looking majestic. Isabella, however, was unmoved. Her eyes went up and down, and she saw only the fine figures and the fine faces of the bandits. She just returned from a long way trip and need some fresh blood to replenish her energy. </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉的从容令强盗们感到了一丝不安。她们交换了下眼神,问道:“你是什么人?”</p>
<p>      Isabella’s ease made the bandits felt a little uneasy. The looked at each other, and asked:” Who are you?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我?”伊莎贝拉笑了笑,“你猜我是什么人?”</p>
<p>      “Me?” Isabella smiled, “Take a guess.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “……雪漫城的卫兵吗?”</p>
<p>      “……Guard from Whiterun?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      卫兵?伊莎贝拉低头一看自己的服饰,不由暗骂两人孤陋寡闻--她们竟然连吸血鬼一族标志性的盔甲都没见过!</p>
<p>      Guard? Isabella looked down onto her clothing, can’t help to swear at their ignorant in mind—They couldn’t even recognize the symbolic armor of the vampires!</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “没错,就是卫兵。你们被逮捕了,姑娘们。”伊莎贝拉干脆就坡下驴,“最近雪漫城附近一直有流贼出没。没搞错的话,你们就是其中一员?”</p>
<p>      “Yes, guard. You are under arrest girls.” Isabella tacitly approved, “There has been bandits appearing around Whiterun. If I am not mistaken, I suppose you are one of them?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “是又如何?”</p>
<p>      “So?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “如何?既然做了贼,那就应该知道做贼的下场——押往主城,裸死示众。而且说实话,最近溪木镇的骚动真不少,你们绝对免不了一死。”伊莎贝拉编的像模像样,“正好海尔根就有个断头台。没问题的话,我们可以快点结束这一切。”</p>
<p>      “So? As bandits, you should know the consequences—Your will be taken to the city and executed naked. To be honest, there have been quite a lot of disturbances around Riverwood, you’re definitely going to be executed.” Isabella made it up well, “There happens to be an chopping block in Helgon. If there is not problems, we can get this over with very soon.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      吸血鬼要的是踪迹上的隐匿。因此,所有的一切都只不过是个借口,就算她们不是强盗,而是两个端正守德的良家少女,撞到了她伊莎贝拉的手上也必须得死。不过,既然是隐匿,那自然把动静搞得越小越好。和和平平地将这两个人送上断头台,显然比一场战斗更划算。</p>
<p>      Vampires require the hidden of their trails. Therefore, it was just an excuse. Even if they were not bandits, but two maidens who obey the law, they will have to die for seeing Isabella. However, since she tries to get hidden, it will be better to minimize the noises. Sending the two on to the chopping block peacefully will be better than having a fight.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      说实话,伊莎贝拉对说服并没报多大的指望——荒郊野岭的,自己三言两语就能把两个强盗劝得自愿去死?怎么可能。可令她意外的是,那两个女强盗对视一眼后,居然真的放下了武器:“好吧,你赢了。砍掉我们的头吧。”</p>
<p>      To be honest, Isabella was not expecting to convince them—How is possible to convince tow bandits to be willing to die in the wild? But to her surprise, the two bandits looked at each other, and dropped their weapons:” Alright, you win. Chop off with our heads.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉傻了。她自诩的超然智慧完全无法理解眼前的状况。“我有点不明白,姑娘们,但你们真的不打算反抗一下吗?一个陌生人劝你们去死,你们就听了?“</p>
<p>      Isabella was astonished. Her self-claimed transcendent intelligence was utterly incapable of understanding the situation. “I don’t get it girls. Don’t you want to resist a little bit? A stranger tells you to die, and you agreed?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “为什么不呢?”为首的那个裸女答道,“你之前也说过,做贼就要明白做贼的下场。我们其实早就明白,这一天迟早要来的,所以接受起来也没那么困难。”</p>
<p>      “Why not?” The leading naked woman answered, “As you said, we knew the consequences of being bandits. We understand that this day comes sooner or later, so it is not that hard to accept.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “没错。而且,三天前我们所属的盗贼团遭到了围剿,逃出生天的只有我们姐妹二人,其他人都被送上了绞架。能和同伴们团聚也不错。”在后的那个姑娘也脱下了皮衣,露出了一身健美的棕红肉躯,“听说整个雪漫都去围观了她们的处刑。在成百上千双眼睛前赤身裸体的跳舞,最后还要失禁,我的天,这得多羞人……在这里被斩首,无人知无人晓的,倒也不错。”</p>
<p>      “Indeed. Besides, the bandit group we were in were just destroyed. We are the only ones to escape. The rest of them were sent to the gallows. It is not bad to reunite with our friends.” The girl on behind took off her cloth too, revealing a bonny brownish red body. “I heard people from the whole Whiterun went to watch their execution. Dancing naked in front of hundreds of eyes, and piss themselves in the end, my goddess, how embarrassing was that… Got beheaded here, no body will see or know, it is not that bad.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      这大概就是瞎猫碰到死耗子吧。一切竟然如此的顺利,无需多费口舌,这两个女人几乎是帮着伊莎贝拉去说服她们自己接受死刑。带着一丝惊愕与好笑,伊莎贝拉看着二人连着鞋子一起脱净,然后捡起了刚才那个裸女丢下的等身大斧:“看得开就好。让我们快点开始吧,谁想做第一个?”</p>
<p>      Such a good luck. It went so smoothly, without further talking, these two women are almost helping Isabella to convince themselves to get executed. With a bit of surprise and amusement, Isabella watched the two stripping off all the clothes including their shoes, and then picked up the man—high axe:” Glad you agreed, let us get started. Who wants to go first?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      白肤的那个女子率先走到了断头台前。她的脸庞在眼廓的高度画了一道红线,看上去有点凶恶。但透过红涂料去细看,你会发现女人的眉眼其实很柔和耐看。</p>
<p>      The women with white skin led the way to the chopping block. Her face looked sinister with a red line drawn from her eyes. But through the red paint, if looked closely, it is easy to find that her eyes are actually soft and durable. </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      无需旁人的辅助与压制,女子自己跪了下来,将白皙的段脖颈放在了斩首木墩上。</p>
<p>      Without the aid and oppression of anyone else, the women knelt down by herself, and stretched her neck onto the wooden chopping block.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      自恶龙来袭之后,这个断头台便一直被尘封,直到今日才得以再尝鲜血。</p>
<p>      Since the dragon’s attack, the chopping block has been shrouded in dust, and never tasted any blood until today.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉将斧头高举过头:“有什么遗言吗?“</p>
<p>      Isabella held the axe above her head:” Any last words?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      女强盗眨了眨眼,“你的手艺没问题吧?”</p>
<p>      The bandit winked:” Is your craft all right?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉笑了笑,然后将斧头用力劈下。只听咔嗤一声脆响,如同迸裂了一个西瓜,强盗的头便脱离了标志的肉身,翻滚着落到了地上。无头的躯体过电似地一挺,然后便硬硬地倒向一旁,修长的手足缓缓舒展开,而断颈处则烟花似的一股股地绽放这鲜血。伊莎贝拉捡起了女子的脑袋,那脑袋似乎还活着,丰润的嘴唇微微颤抖,似乎想说些什么。</p>
<p>      Isabella smiled, and then chopped down hard. With a crack sound, like breaking a watermelon, the bandit’s head left her sexy body, rolled onto the ground. Her headless body stiffened like having through electricity, and then fell to one side. Her slender limbs slowly unfurled, and blood bursting out from her neck like fireworks. Isabella picked up her head, which seemed to be alive, and her lips quivered slightly, as if trying to say something.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “放心,没问题。”伊莎贝拉冲着那人头笑道。</p>
<p>      “Don’t worry, no problem.” Said Isabella, smiling at the head.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      闻言,那人头的眼睛眨了眨,嘴角扯起了一个微笑,然后瞳孔便黯淡了下去。</p>
<p>      Hearing that, the eyes of the head winked, with a smile on the corners of her lips, and then the pupils dimed down.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉将人头扔回了断头台前的篮筐里,“轮到你了。”</p>
<p>      Isabella dropped her head back into the basket in front of the copping block. “ Your turn.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      无需多言,棕红肤色的女子也站到了断头台后。</p>
<p>      No more talking, the women with brownish skin stand beside the chopping block.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “没有任何遗言,卫兵小姐。希望你日后的军旅生活顺利。”说罢,女孩便将脑袋搁在了断头墩上。</p>
<p>      “No last words, Ms guard. I wish you a well military life in the future.” After she finished, the girl putted her head on the block.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      她比另一个强盗要年轻一些,性格也更活泼。如果不是盗贼,她绝对会吸引不少男生的注意。可惜……</p>
<p>      She is younger than the other bandit, while having a livelier personality. If she is not a bandit, she will definitely attract many boys. What a pity…</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      伊莎贝拉举起了斧头,却没有急着劈落。:</p>
<p>      Isabella raised the axe, but did not hasten to chop:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “告诉你个秘密,强盗小姐——其实我不是什么卫兵,我是个吸血鬼。”</p>
<p>      “Tell you a secret, Ms bandit—I am not a guard, I am a vampire.”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “什么?”</p>
<p>      “What?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      女孩话音未落,斧头早已从天而降,如同切黄瓜一般斫断了她脆弱的脖颈。女孩的脑袋就这样带着一脸的惊诧滚到了篮筐里,和她的大姐头撞在了一块。</p>
<p>      Even before the girl finished, the ax fell from the sky, chopped her fragile neck like a cucumber. Her head rolled into the basket with surprise, hitting her elder sister’s head.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      望着女孩的无头尸体跌落尘埃,伊莎贝拉舒了一口气。自己的院里的“小飞虫”终于被解决了。</p>
<p>      Watching the headless body feel into dust, Isabella breathed a sigh of relief. The “bugs” in her home was finally taken care of.</p>
<p>  原始地址:https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=1330261</p>
<p>  或者:https://www.pixiv.net/novel/series/1330261</p>
<p>  总之就是这俩中的一个</p>                    