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                       <p>  [chapter:第六章 体与魂 Body and soul]</p>
<p>      插进去。</p>
<p>      Stick it in.</p>
<p>      百合有点迫不及待的说到,但看着你僵住的样子。</p>
<p>      Lily’s voice cannot cover her excitement, but saw you froze in place.</p>
<p>      (Lily is used as the Chinese translation as black lily, short for lily)</p>
<p>      哎,男人都总是想着这一件事吗?</p>
<p>      Sigh, men always think about one thing.</p>
<p>      事情还得回到今天的早晨。。。。</p>
<p>      Back to today’s morning.</p>
<p>      你看看,我就说会是大黄蜂吧。</p>
<p>      Look, I told you its going to be a hornet.</p>
<p>      M365对吉卡说,仿佛她们之前下打过赌。</p>
<p>      M365 told chica, like they made a bet before.</p>
<p>      而吉卡输掉赌注后,走过来,到你身边,拿手波动了一下你的衣服,露出了肩膀上还没消去的牙印。</p>
<p>      She obviously lost, walk over to you, waved her hands at your cloth, revealed the bite mark remains on the shoulder.</p>
<p>      嘿嘿嘿,大个子你的技术不错吗,黑百合,她怎么样啊?</p>
<p>      Hueheuhue, big guy you are pretty good, so, how is black lily?</p>
<p>      今早要摸摸她的屁股时被她拍手打断。</p>
<p>      The brutal interruption of your hand getting slapped while reaching for her ass this morning comes to mind.</p>
<p>      看着吉卡的样子,那淫笑,你有种不详的预感,这家伙不会又搞了什么?</p>
<p>      Looking at her, that mirk on her face, you have a bad feeling, what have she done now?</p>
<p>      我怎么样?</p>
<p>      What about me?</p>
<p>      就在这时,一个平淡,冷漠的声音划过一切空间,在旁边传来,是百合。</p>
<p>      This moment, a cold and clear voice shoots across the space, from your side, its lily.</p>
<p>      她轻轻的脚步,每一步都是同一个声音,优雅的来到你身边,打量着吉卡。</p>
<p>      Her light steps, each making the exact same tap, gracefully walk to you, glances at Chica.</p>
<p>      她们的身高有一定的区别,而且气场更是碾压了另外一边。</p>
<p>      There’s quite a big height difference, and the energy is overwhelmingly one sided.</p>
<p>      打量半刻后,百合直视着吉卡问。</p>
<p>      After a moment, she stares at chica and ask.</p>
<p>      我的监控出了点问题,你清楚吗?</p>
<p>      My surveillance had a bit of issue, do you know anything about it?</p>
<p>      啊,不清楚?</p>
<p>      Ah, no?</p>
<p>      你看着吉卡那表情,汗珠逐渐显现。</p>
<p>      Looking at her face, the sweat is beginning to show.</p>
<p>      我听说最近有个非常有天赋的小黑客,被提拔的很快。</p>
<p>      I hear there’s a talented little hacker, getting promoted too quickly.</p>
<p>      百合把手搭在吉卡的肩上,拉着她慢慢的向一边走,吉卡僵硬的跟着。</p>
<p>      Lily leans her hand on her shoulder, taking a walk with her, and she follows with hesitant steps.</p>
<p>      但如果,她去散播关于我的,谣言,那出事的话,会挺可惜的。</p>
<p>      But if said person, spreads false rumour about me, it would be a shame to lose such talent.</p>
<p>      吉卡听着快速的点头。</p>
<p>      Chica nodes her head repeatedly.</p>
<p>      这样吧,你从今天起就像我报道,正好我也缺一名技术人员。</p>
<p>      How about this, I am short of a techie, you report to me starting today.</p>
<p>      随着点头还没停下来。</p>
<p>      Before the nodding could stop.</p>
<p>      Magnifique,来庆祝一下,来帮我扔靶。</p>
<p>      Magnifique, come let’s celebrate, throw some target for me.</p>
<p>      她们慢慢的走向了阳台,随后你看着冰盘被扔到空中,然后被枪连续击破。</p>
<p>      They slowly made their way to the balcony, you see ice plates being thrown into the air, then shot without miss.</p>
<p>      她们去干嘛了?</p>
<p>      What are they doing?</p>
<p>      陪百合练习枪击。</p>
<p>      Just helping lily practice shooting.</p>
<p>      你说,一边导向大黄蜂旁边的布,然后走进将布拉下。</p>
<p>      You said, walked to the blanket covered object next to the hornet, and pulled it off.</p>
<p>      一架燕子的残骸。</p>
<p>      A reck of a flying machine, swift.</p>
<p>      被多导弹连续击中,发动机报废,主引擎全部损坏,副引擎剩下一个。</p>
<p>      Suffered repeated missile hits, generator busted, all main engines damaged, only one assistant engine remain.</p>
<p>      还剩下什么。</p>
<p>      What’s left?</p>
<p>      你打了个手势,m365放下自己的平台。</p>
<p>      You given her a hand gesture, and M365 puts down her platform.</p>
<p>      机身框架,通过修理几乎可以说是完整,机翼虽然掉落但没有缺失,电子设备几乎完整的幸存,但信息被拿掉了。</p>
<p>      The framework, it is in one piece with some repairs, wings are detached but not lost, electronic system survived but no data device. </p>
<p>      来,帮我把它摊开。</p>
<p>      Come, help me spread them out.</p>
<p>      说着你跟她把零散的配件有序而整齐的摆开。</p>
<p>      You and her sorted all the parts and tools laid out on the floor.</p>
<p>      这样呢?</p>
<p>      Now?</p>
<p>      M365快速的记录了所有的部件,然后在平台上不断的操作。</p>
<p>      She quickly take note of every part, and fingers continuously operating on her platform.</p>
<p>      这时你收到了一份邮件,是3190,飞行班上的美女同学。</p>
<p>      This moment, an email arrived, its from 3190, a beautiful class mate from the flight class.</p>
<p>      里面说她已经毕业并且离开公司,准备去亚洲看看,如果到亚洲去的话可以找她。</p>
<p>      In it says she has finished the class and left the company, heading to Asia to look for opportunities, if you are close by pay her a visit.</p>
<p>      过了一会m365拿平台给你看,东西都已经规例好。</p>
<p>      A moment later, M365 shows you her platform to you, everything is organized into categories.</p>
<p>      这,依靠现有的东西,我能修的,然后这些是必须更换,期间发现的新损伤还需加上。</p>
<p>      These are fixable with what is here, these must be replaced, not including new ones found during the repair.</p>
<p>      好,请把详细的表发给我一份。</p>
<p>      Good, give me a copy of that.</p>
<p>      这时,百合与吉卡从屋外回来,她的表情百言难喻。</p>
<p>      Now, Lily and Chica came back, you can’t put a word to the look on her face.</p>
<p>      嗯对,这样,把电池装上的话应该可以启动电子设备。</p>
<p>      Yes, that’s right, you can still boot up the electric system.</p>
<p>      此时她看见百合在向她招手,然后被百合拉到一边,而吉卡则慢慢的向你走来。</p>
<p>      She saw Lily wave at her, then taken to the side, and Chica walks slowly towards you.</p>
<p>      百合这样的教训,是不是有点过了?</p>
<p>      Lily’s punishment, was it a little too much? You ask yourself.</p>
<p>      你装着电池,看着吉卡慢慢坐在地上。</p>
<p>      Watching her sat down, you wire the battery in place.</p>
<p>      一会m365跑回来,激动的说。</p>
<p>      M365 came over with excitement.</p>
<p>      好耶,我升职了!我现在是你的机组的主维修员了!</p>
<p>      Yeah! I have been promoted, now I will be your repair crew.</p>
<p>      哎,吉卡你怎么愁眉苦脸的?</p>
<p>      Huh? What’s wrong with you, Chica?</p>
<p>      她拍了拍吉卡的头,看着你费力的把电池装上,然后装上新硬盘。</p>
<p>      She pats Chica on the head, watches you install the data device and battery.</p>
<p>      M365问:我还是不清楚,你花在这残骸上的分,都可以买一架全新其他高档机了。</p>
<p>      She ask: I still don’t understand, the money you spent on this wreckage is enough for some brand new high class already.</p>
<p>      除非?</p>
<p>      Unless…?</p>
<p>      他有自己的燕姬。</p>
<p>      He has his own Swift maiden.</p>
<p>      百合说着,走下楼梯,两个女孩,m365惊讶的表情,和吉卡的疑惑。</p>
<p>      Lily said, walking down the stair, the two girls, M365 cover her mouth with surprise, Chica is a little confused.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      回到现在。。</p>
<p>      Back to the present..</p>
<p>      你拿下胸前跟ID卡拴在一起的特殊钥匙,小心翼翼的插入对应插口。</p>
<p>      You take off the special key chained to your neck along with the ID card, then carefully inserted into the corresponding socket.</p>
<p>      电子灯亮起,不断闪烁,上面的投影设备也运行起来,那个身影出现。。</p>
<p>      The electronic lights up, blinking, projector kicks into action, a familiar form appears.</p>
<p>      你好,我是燕子机的人形信息助理,燕姬。啊~</p>
<p>      Hello, I am the digital assistant of the Yanzi(Swift) flying machine, Yanji(Swift Maiden). Ah~ </p>
<p>      她模仿燕子张嘴的样子叫了一声,这直接萌爆了身边的两个女孩,争先恐后的想过来抱抱。</p>
<p>      She mimicked the swift call, the cuteness level instantly exploded, the two girls both eager to come closer to hug and pat.</p>
<p>      安静!百合一声,两个女孩都乖乖的坐下。</p>
<p>      Quiet! Lily commanded, the two sat down and did just that.</p>
<p>      是我。你说到,但燕姬没像之前的那样回应。</p>
<p>      It\u0027s me. You said, but swift maiden does not have the same response as before.</p>
<p>      检测到燕姬矩阵,请出示转手或出收记录。</p>
<p>      Detected swift maiden persona matrix, please provide valid record of transaction.</p>
<p>      这里。M365掏出平台把手续文件传送过去。</p>
<p>      Here. M365 pulls out her platform and transferred some documents over.</p>
<p>      核实中,请稍等。</p>
<p>      Verifying, please wait.</p>
<p>      片刻后。</p>
<p>      Moment later.</p>
<p>      核实完毕,恭喜你成为这架燕子机的新主人,燕姬矩阵启动中。</p>
<p>      Verification complete, congratulation on become the new owner of this flying machine, activating swift maiden persona.</p>
<p>      又是片刻。</p>
<p>      Moments later.</p>
<p>      这里是?探测器离线,我在哪?</p>
<p>      Sensors are offline, where am I?  </p>
<p>      投影上的燕姬看起来很不安,焦虑。</p>
<p>      The projection of the swift maiden seems a little insecure and anxious.</p>
<p>      是我。</p>
<p>      It’s me.</p>
<p>      听到了你的声音后,她的颜色变得十分温暖,也很安心。</p>
<p>      After hearing your voice, she became warm and calm.</p>
<p>      还有我的朋友也在。</p>
<p>      I got my friends with me as well.</p>
<p>      哦,你们好啊!</p>
<p>      Oh, hi everyone!</p>
<p>      她优雅的像前面打招呼。</p>
<p>      She gracefully waves at the area in front of her.</p>
<p>      你好可爱啊,我是m365,这里是我之前拆掉的摄像头,你先用着。</p>
<p>      You are so cute, I am M365, this is a spare camera I took off something else, until I can find you something better.</p>
<p>      谢谢你的帮助!</p>
<p>      Thank you for your help!</p>
<p>      安装上摄像头后,她不断的从头到尾的扫描这屋内的各位。</p>
<p>      After the installation of the camera, she glances at the people inside the room, and the room itself.</p>
<p>      主人,可爱的妹妹。在扫描百合的时候,她似乎慢了一些,好像被百合的样貌沉醉。</p>
<p>      Master, adorable miss. When scanning lily, she became slower, seemingly also effected by her look.</p>
<p>      虽然无法扫描这位的相貌,但凭着装一定是非常有气质,而又高雅的女性。</p>
<p>      Even though I cannot scan your face, but you must be powerful and graceful lady.</p>
<p>      起初百合有些在意,但听了这个后就放下心,似乎她身上有某种仪器防止自己被拍照或者录制,而这个不针对人。</p>
<p>      At the start, lily showed a slight of concern, but after hearing that she relaxed, something is preventing the picture of her face being gathered, this does not work on people.</p>
<p>      你有什么功能?百合争先的问到,燕姬抓了抓头,把自己的详细功能,关于驾驶,作战,信息收集和分析,等等讲给百合。</p>
<p>      What are your functions? Lily came forward before everyone, swift maiden scratched her head, describes in detail about piloting, fighting, information gathering and analysis, etc.</p>
<p>      技术员,给她外网的连接。</p>
<p>      Techie, give her access to the outer net.</p>
<p>      吉卡看似有点想拒绝,却被百合直接拉过来。</p>
<p>      Chica wanted to reject, but lily pulled her right over.</p>
<p>      哇,好厉害,我竟然完全没检测到,您的电子战水平一定很厉害。</p>
<p>      Oh, my, I was totally unable to detect your, your level of the electronic warfare must be phenomenal.</p>
<p>      好好,我给你开设了一条外线,这是通讯组件。</p>
<p>      Alright, alright, I have opened an outer line, here’s the communication module.</p>
<p>      在操作时还看燕姬,她趴着双手拖着头,眼睛一眨一眨的。</p>
<p>      She stares at her while operating, the swift maiden lays on her belly, supporting her head with both hands, blinking those big eyes.</p>
<p>      刚装好,百合就迫不及待的开始问。</p>
<p>      Just as the installation finish, lily rush forwards a questions.</p>
<p>      丽维亚(Lyria)的内战,是谁会赢?</p>
<p>      The Lyrian civil war, who’s going to win?</p>
<p>      主人?</p>
<p>      Master?</p>
<p>      燕姬看着你点头,就开始了运作,一会就得出了结论。</p>
<p>      Swift maiden watch you nod, started to operate, took a moment to conclude.</p>
<p>      不确定,叛军想要获得胜利,必须有雇佣兵介入, 如果前序发生,叛军完胜,无则完败,特别是总统最近与他的后盾闹翻了。</p>
<p>      Uncertain, a rebel victory will rely on getting the right mercenary groups, especially since the president just lost his powerful ally. </p>
<p>      经过分析,叛军头目们各自已经跟某公司有联系,而从他们的反应上看,公司的内部的意见也是对半分的。</p>
<p>      After analysis, the rebel leaders already contacted a powerful Eurasia mega group, individually, from their reaction to the response, it seems like the company is also divided on this issue.</p>
<p>      听着燕姬说完,你看到了百合嘴边出现得意的微笑。</p>
<p>      Lily listened, you see a smirk appears at the corner of her face.</p>
<p>      开启这个频道连接。她优雅的快速走出房间,离开了。</p>
<p>      Open this communication channel. She gracefully and with haste, left the room.</p>
<p>      技术员!吉卡无奈起身,跑去跟随。</p>
<p>      Techie! Chica sighs and stands up, came running.</p>
<p>      语音记录同步完毕,啊,主人我把你卷入这内战。</p>
<p>      Voice records synchronization complete. Oh no, master I got you into the civil war.</p>
<p>      没事的,别怪自己,给我讲讲这个内战是怎么回事。</p>
<p>      Its fine, don’t blame yourself, tell me what this civil war is all about.</p>
<p>      这是个典型的资源诅咒,当财富的产生与人民无关时,他们在总统眼里就没有价值了。</p>
<p>      This is a classic case of resources being a curse, when the wealth is created unrelated to its, they become worthless in his eyes.</p>
<p>      多年来,依靠后台的撑腰,他和家人在全世界过着皇家的生活,而平民却在生命线上挣扎。</p>
<p>      For many years, with powerful support behind scenes, his family lives like royalties around the world, while his people struggle to survive.</p>
<p>      那么推翻他听起来并不错啊。</p>
<p>      Well, it doesn’t sound so bad getting rid of him.</p>
<p>      叛军只是想自己上台去快活,但他们跟总统是一样的人。</p>
<p>      The rebels just want to be the president themselves, take their turn of the good life, they are no different than the president.</p>
<p>      叛军没有重武器,面对总统的飞机坦克只能靠雇佣兵,而总统可以出更高的价钱,所以他们只能用更高比例的资源来换取对他们的武力援助。</p>
<p>      The rebels does not own anything other than just small arms, facing the air force and tanks, they can only rely on the mercs, the president can always offer more money, so they have to offer a higher percentage of resources as exchange, for the help of the mega group such as we are in now.</p>
<p>      总统为了享受背叛了自己的人民,叛军为了胜利出卖了国家的未来。</p>
<p>      The president turned his back on his people for pleasure, the rebels sold out future of the country for their victory.</p>
<p>      看来唯一的好事就是能赚钱把你修好。你摸了摸燕姬的设备。</p>
<p>      Looks like the only good thing comes out of this is I can possibly get some finances to fix you up. You touches the casing swift maiden.</p>
<p>      引擎的声音开始传来,不停的而变大,一架运输机开到了,百合从上面下来,指挥着运输机把两个大箱子放好。</p>
<p>      The engine noise keeps rising, a transporter has arrived, lily gets down from there, instructing the crew to unload two big boxes.</p>
<p>      小心点!里面可是我的宝贝。</p>
<p>      Careful! These are my babies.</p>
<p>      运输机放下箱子离开了,整个机舱也安静下来。</p>
<p>      The transporter unloads the box and left, the quietness returns.</p>
<p>      工程师,这两个,我需要今晚装上。</p>
<p>      Engie, these two, I want them installed tonight.</p>
<p>      箱子被打开,一个里面是最新款型的机炮,另一个是轨道炮,这么小的轨道炮你还是头次见。</p>
<p>      The boxes opens, one contains an advanced machine cannon, the other is a miniature version of the rail gun that is made to fit the turret, the smallest rail gun you ever seen.</p>
<p>      你与m365配合,很快的就把原机炮拆掉,将新的大家伙放上去。</p>
<p>      With you and m365 working together, soon you manage to get the original cannon off and put on the new gear.</p>
<p>      她很高兴你能帮忙,并且承诺会在你们离开的时候照顾燕姬。</p>
<p>      She was glad you could help and promised to look after swift maiden while you are away.</p>
<p>      第二天早晨,你保持着队形与其他4架大黄蜂一起组成了一个攻击小队。</p>
<p>      The next morning, you maintained formation with 4 other hornet as a strike team.</p>
<p>      指挥官。</p>
<p>      Commander speaking.</p>
<p>      我们的目标就是清除叛军去首都路上的所有威胁,主要有雷达,坦克,空军,碉堡,和武装的车辆。</p>
<p>      Our targets is the major threats for the rebels on the way to the capital, this includes radars, tanks, air force, bunkers, armed light vehicles.</p>
<p>      每天都会有定量的弹药供给,除个别特殊弹药有限制。</p>
<p>      You will be supplied with ammunition, specialized ones have limit on how much you can take daily.</p>
<p>      攻击小队驶入了凌空,而雷达上瞬间出现了非常多的敌军飞机。</p>
<p>      The attack team enters the air space, on the radar much enemy fighter appeared.</p>
<p>      这么多?都是老旧型,没几个能打的。</p>
<p>      This much? Its all the older fighters, not actual threats.</p>
<p>      开启电子干扰并摧毁敌方雷达系统。多枚反雷达导弹快速被发射,飞向对方的雷达系统。</p>
<p>      Open the electronic scrambler, destroy enemy radar, multiple missile have been fired off, flying towards the enemy radar systems.</p>
<p>      随着对方陷入黑暗,飞在前面的飞机开始进行攻击。</p>
<p>      As the other side loses their detection, the jets in the front begins their attack.</p>
<p>      对方发射的热跟踪短程导弹,被轻松躲避。</p>
<p>      The heat tracing missile, about the only one works now, are easily evaded by the team.</p>
<p>      之后组转入战斗模式,分散开后5架大黄蜂对这杂牌空军开始全面围剿。</p>
<p>      Then the strike team enters fighting mode, spreading out began the full elimination of the enemy air force.</p>
<p>      导弹的发射,近身机炮的肉搏,大黄蜂们在空中飞舞,而另外一边被飞快的消灭。</p>
<p>      你与百合穿横与于战斗之间,在躲避的同时靠机炮进行收割。</p>
<p>      Firing of missiles, close up melee with machine cannons, the hornets flying and dancing in the air, while the other side getting destroyed and drops like flies. You swiftly flies inside the battle air space, evading all sorts of attacks while she does all the shooting which she is so good at.</p>
<p>      在短暂的交火后,对方的空军力量已经被这个小队杀的片甲不留,而获得制空权后,地面就是下个目标。</p>
<p>      After a short exchange, there is nothing left of the enemy air force, with full air supremacy, the ground target is easy for the taking.</p>
<p>      在面对重装甲时,百合不希望你用穿甲弹,而是用了她自己的轨道炮解决问题。</p>
<p>      随着蓝光划过天空,坦克的装甲上出现了一个洞,而洞的周围还有红蓝色的金属,在坦克上,直通里面的弹药库,巨大的火舌从坦克后部和刚被打的洞喷出,看起来就像烟花一样,一声巨响后,炮台被炸飞。</p>
<p>      Facing the heavy armoured tank, Lily did not want you to use the armour piercing round, instead used her rail gun, as the blue dot draws across the sky, the armour of the tank had a big hole on it, with red and blue melting metal, the shot was straight through the ammo deposit, huge fire spits out from every exit, after a big bang, the turret was completely blown off.</p>
<p>      在重组以后,我方几乎没有任何损失,被少量的机炮击中,但大黄蜂抗揍的机身,没问题,修一下跟新的一样。</p>
<p>      After regrouping, there’s not even any casualties on our side, with few being hit by the cannon shell, but the hornet can take a lot of hit, a quick fix it will be like new. </p>
<p>      全部目标摧毁,大家干的不错,返航。</p>
<p>      All target destroyed, well done, return to base.</p>
<p>      基地是一个移动的小型航母,上面可供多个机组的维修维护,弹药补充,最重要的是所有人员都是互相隔离的。</p>
<p>      The base is a small movable ship that is serving as aircraft carrier, can supply, repair, maintain aircrafts, most importantly the personnel are isolated.</p>
<p>      小量的工作可以靠人员去机舱修理,大则可以把整个飞行机转移到专业修理舱,可更快的进行修理。</p>
<p>      Small amount of work can be done by sending couple of engineers to the aircraft, for large repairs the whole aircraft can be transferred to a proper repair hanger.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      (机舱之火/Cockpit fire)</p>
<p>      百合在战斗完后,忍不住自慰。</p>
<p>      After the battle, lily can’t help and masturbates.</p>
<p>      她看了你一眼,起身来到你面前,附身凑了过来,一脸魅色的表情,盯着你。</p>
<p>      She took a look at you, moves in front of you, getting closer, looking lusty at you.</p>
<p>      然后她不知从哪掏出一副手铐,在手指上晃来晃去。</p>
<p>      Don’t know where she pulled out a pair of handcuffs.</p>
<p>      我现在就要。她说。</p>
<p>      I want it, now! She said.</p>
<p>      手铐?我现在没空!</p>
<p>      Cuffs? But I am flying.</p>
<p>      这次不是给你的。她蹲下,双手放在背后,给自己戴上手铐。</p>
<p>      Not for you, this time, she kneels, places her hands behind her back and cuffing herself.</p>
<p>      我就知道你喜欢这个。她看着你那挺起的裤裆,拖着被束缚的身体,过来用牙拉开了拉链。</p>
<p>      I know you like this. She stares at the bulge inside your pants, pulling her restrained body forward, unzips you with her teeth.</p>
<p>      这样的百合,你一时间不知所措,她主动的要而且特别的发情,难道是之前的战斗导致?</p>
<p>      With her acting like this, you don’t know how to respond, suddenly demands sex, could it be the combat?</p>
<p>      里面的肉棒坚挺,面对这样的百合,也是兴奋,而她上前舔并亲了头部。</p>
<p>      Your cock raises strong, her being this way, get you excited, she came forwards and suckles on the top.</p>
<p>      她舌头轻轻扫过嘴唇,样子是如此的陶醉,很快就继续吃起了肉棒。</p>
<p>      Her tongue swept around her lips, soaked inside this moment, start to suck.</p>
<p>      有力的包裹,吸吻,要不是你一直看着她,腰部自己都不肯相信百合能这样。</p>
<p>      Strong wrapping, suction, you can’t believe a moment of this if it was not for you watching her do it.</p>
<p>      她有规律的吸着,那美丽的眼睛一直在住视着你,她慢慢的增加深度,偶尔换气,每次进出都要玩弄一下肉棒的头。</p>
<p>      She sucks with rhythm, with those beautiful eyes looking at you, gradually increasing the depth, take a breath then plays with the tip going in.</p>
<p>      看着她那样子,无比的可爱。</p>
<p>      Her look at this moment, so adorable.</p>
<p>      随着她开始深喉,更大的紧实感也开始了,虽然她非常喜欢肉棒,但你还是感觉她做这个有些吃力。</p>
<p>      She begin to deep throat, you feel ever greater tightness, you can tell she loves the cock, but she is also struggling.</p>
<p>      她几乎吸到低了,双眼紧闭的百合,几乎碰到了跟处,而她此时身体也瘫软下来。</p>
<p>      She is almost reached the end, her eyes shut, trying hard, but her body suddenly fell softly.</p>
<p>      你把肉棒拿出,摸了摸她的头,而她在大口的喘气。</p>
<p>      You took it out, pat her on the head as she takes breather.</p>
<p>      百合有些意识模糊,瘫软的被你抱起,跨在肩上。</p>
<p>      At this moment she is not all there, you picked up her recovering body, put on the shoulder.</p>
<p>      我还要。她含糊的说。</p>
<p>      More. She mumbles.</p>
<p>      你拍了拍她的屁股,到卧室,你要多少就给你说少。</p>
<p>      In the bedroom, I will give you as much as you want. You pat her on the butt.</p>
<p>      百合慢慢清醒了,在你肩上也动起来。</p>
<p>      Lily have recovered, and now wiggling on your shoulder.</p>
<p>      笨蛋,你是在干嘛,快把我放下。</p>
<p>      Dummy, what you doing? Put me down.</p>
<p>      我只会把你放在床上,把你捆的更紧,然后干到你一遍一遍的高潮。</p>
<p>      I will only put you in bed, put you in better restraints, then fuck you until you cum again and again.</p>
<p>      你拍了拍她美丽的屁股,一边揉,一边向特间的卧室走去。</p>
<p>      You tapped her in her beautiful butt, massaging them while heading to the bedroom.</p>
<p>      到了卧室,你把百合从肩膀上放下,双手托着,轻轻的方在床上。</p>
<p>      Enters the bedroom, you let her down from shoulder, holding with both hands, gently put her on the bed.</p>
<p>      她的眼里充满了欲望,此时就像一把火焰,想要将你一口吞食干净。</p>
<p>      Her eyes is full of desires, like a fire, want to devour you whole.</p>
<p>      她的吸着你的手指,你拿手指在她性感的嘴唇上揉了一圈。</p>
<p>      She begin to suckle on your fingers as they came close, you feels her sexy lips by swipe your finger tips around them.</p>
<p>      来,你脱掉她的鞋并带着她来到镜子面前。</p>
<p>      Come, you took off her shoes then taken her in front of a mirror</p>
<p>      你知道自己有多么美丽性感吗?你一手拖着她的脸,轻轻的在她耳边说。</p>
<p>      Do you know how beautiful and attractive you are? With one hand lifting her face, and whispers into her ear.</p>
<p>      另外的一只手,已经放在她的小腹下,手指温柔的在她双腿间划过,而它们也因为你的动作不停的来回摩擦。</p>
<p>      The other hand, already placed itself on her tommy, the finger keeps on sliding between her legs, which made them moving back and forth.</p>
<p>      来,该脱衣服了。你把手放在她脖子后面,上面的装置后有几个阀门,保持衣服的真空能吸在身体上。</p>
<p>      Time to lose the cloth. You put fingers at the back of her neck, there are couple of valves hidden there, in order to keep the skin tight suction on the body.</p>
<p>      你轻轻的拨开这几个阀门,她的衣服也逐渐松弛,随着快速的拉动,她的紧身衣被你一口气扒了下来。</p>
<p>      You slowly pry them open, her cloth began to loosen up, the time is now, her tight body suit has been pulled off her with a swift motion.</p>
<p>      那性感美丽的身体被瞬间暴露,此时还在可爱的微微抖动。</p>
<p>      Her beautiful and sexy body have been instantly exposed, her body still shakes a little, which seems so adorable.</p>
<p>      她此时的表情非常难形容,兴奋,色情,发情,快感,羞涩,似乎都有但似乎又都不像。</p>
<p>      Her facial emotion became impossible to describe, excitement, perverted, desire, pleasure, embarrassment, her face contains them all yet doesn’t feel like any of them. </p>
<p>      你。。。</p>
<p>      You...</p>
<p>      你把衣服丢在一边,加快了手指的滑动速度,然后突然给她转身快速的吻了下去。</p>
<p>      You tossed her cloth to one side, finger sliding faster, then suddenly turns her around and give her a deep kiss.</p>
<p>      手将她从腰部抱紧,感受着她身体的抖动,和她的不知所措。</p>
<p>      Hands holding her tight by the waist, feeling her body trembles, and doesn’t know what to do.</p>
<p>      爽,你把戴着手铐的百合放在床上,她的身体随便让你看光。</p>
<p>      So good, you put cuffed lily back on the bed, her body you can look to your fill.</p>
<p>      这个手铐拿下来吧,会留痕迹的。你把它拿掉后,换上了百合的高档束缚手袋,柔和的把她的双手包裹起来,从肩膀一直到双手都被彻底捆绑。</p>
<p>      Lets take off the handcuffs, it will leave a mark. After you take it off, then put on her premium armbinder bag, you gently wraps her hands and put them inside, securing her arms from shoulder to the hand.</p>
<p>      而穿上新束缚的百合,趴在床上,双腿敞开,湿润的蜜穴完全展露。</p>
<p>      With lily in the new bondage gear, face down on the bed, leg spread, her wet parts is fully exposed.</p>
<p>      这极具肉感与弹性的屁股,和它们之间夹着的神秘快感,让你陶醉,上瘾。</p>
<p>      This meaty and flexible butt, and the mysterious pleasure in between, to you, its intoxicating, addicting.</p>
<p>      没想到昨天百合还因为你想摸她屁股而打了你的手,今天却被结实的捆起来,让你摸了个痛快。</p>
<p>      To think that you had your hand slapped when wanting to grab them, and today, she is strictly tied, and you can touch as much as you want.</p>
<p>      你慢慢来到她身上,把她抱进怀里,插入那湿润的小穴,她此时也已经是饥渴难耐了。</p>
<p>      You slowly come closer on top of her, taking her into your embrace, sticking the cock into the wet hole, which was hungry for some time now.</p>
<p>      就这样有规律的插着,将她保护在怀里,体验着她的全部反应,加快的呼吸,偶尔的失声。</p>
<p>      Sticking it in with a rhythm, keeping her well protected inside your arms, feels her reaction to you, the increase of the breathing rate, the loving sound she let loose as you go deep.</p>
<p>      那满脸色气的百合,屁股翘起,正在一次又一次的接受着你的爱,双手结实的被捆着,就像包裹住了美丽花朵的尖刺,让人得以靠近欣赏。</p>
<p>      That perverted face on lily, hips raised, taking your love again and again, with her hands securely tied, just like the wrapping covers up the spikes on the beautiful flowers, letting one admire closely.</p>
<p>      我要快一点。她说。</p>
<p>      I want faster. She spoke.</p>
<p>      你起身,双手支撑,然后用下体不断加速冲击她性感的屁股。\t</p>
<p>      You raises the body, support with both hands, increasing the strength and speed of impacting on her sexy ass.</p>
<p>      在加速的颤抖中屡次被干出声,她快来了。你将她抱紧,继续不停地插入,她喘气与你的动作规律。</p>
<p>      With the extra speed, she repeatedly lose her voice and makes those lovely sound, she is going to cum. You hold her close, continuously sticking it in, and her breath is effected by every impact.</p>
<p>      她的身体开始扭曲,抽搐,几个快速的插入动作就将她送入高潮,这种控制着她身体并且让其被用在你的肉棒上是极致的享受。</p>
<p>      Her body begins to twist, tremble, a couple of fast thrust will send her there, this control of her body, with your cock, is a source of endless enjoyment for you.</p>
<p>      凭紧度,她应该是更喜欢被慢慢的深深插入。</p>
<p>      Judging by how tight she becomes, she likes slower and deep penetration.</p>
<p>      她很快就再次进入了高潮,在你的肉棒上疯狂的抽搐。</p>
<p>      She quickly cum again, squirming on your cock like crazy.</p>
<p>      我还要。她贪婪的说,而她刚从高潮中缓下来。</p>
<p>      More. She demanded, as she just recovered from one high.</p>
<p>      你继续趴在她的屁股上,一遍一遍的深深插入,不断刺激她的敏感部位,让她屡次高潮。</p>
<p>      You put your weight on her ass, deeply penetrate again and again, continuously stimulate the sensitive areas, made her cum repeatedly.</p>
<p>      但她每次都是还要。你将她的屁股抬起,更深的插入肉棒。</p>
<p>      But she still want more. You raises her hips more, so your cock can go even deeper insider.</p>
<p>      真爽。百合,世界顶级的美女刺客,此时在你床上被束缚着无法反抗的接受你所有的爱。</p>
<p>      Incredible, black lily, world’s top class beauty of an assassin, now tied inside your bed, unable to resist your love.</p>
<p>      这样的场景,她被束缚的双手,性感的臀部,被你贪婪的抓着,插着,兴奋度飞快的提升,神奇的力量再次涌入,深深的在百合的身体里射出。</p>
<p>      This kind of scene, her tied hands, sexy butt, greedily groping, fucking, the rate of excitement climbs rapidly, the mysterious power raises again, as you let loose of your cum deeply inside of her.</p>
<p>      极致。</p>
<p>      Magnificent.</p>
<p>      不知你射了多少次,她去了多少次,她没继续的在要,如果她还要你绝对会给的。</p>
<p>      Forgetting how many time you or her came, until she no longer demands, but if she does, you cannot resist.</p>
<p>      你们面对着躺在床上,看着彼此,她的身体看着还是那么的妖艳。</p>
<p>      You two lay on the bed, looking at each other, her body still looks incredible.</p>
<p>      你轻轻的用手指划过她的面孔,她只是看着你。</p>
<p>      The tip of your finger slides across her face, she just stares at you.</p>
<p>      手感受她蛇细的腰,她还是看着你。</p>
<p>      Your palm feels her thin waist, she still looks at you.</p>
<p>      她隆起的臀部,她还是看着你。</p>
<p>      Groping her ass, she still just looks at you.</p>
<p>      每一处都是性感火辣的奇妙,而她丝毫不在乎自己被捆着。</p>
<p>      Every spot is mysteriously hot, and she doesn’t even care about the bondage.</p>
<p>      但你肯定,今日的狂野,如果她没被捆起来,她的指甲一定会在你身上留下众多痕迹。</p>
<p>      But one thing you can be sure, today’s wildness, if she is left untied, her nails will definitely leaves marks around your body.</p>
<p>      你揉着她的臀部,手指还忍不住划过一下湿润的蜜穴,而她被你的这番动作挑逗了起来。</p>
<p>      You gropes her ass and gently massage them, with the finger slide across her wet hole, she seems to be reacting to this move.</p>
<p>      但时间差不多了。</p>
<p>      It’s about time.</p>
<p>      给我松绑。百合说到。</p>
<p>      Untie me. Lily said. </p>
<p>      你抱起被束缚的百合,在怀里默默的坐了几分钟,而她似乎非常享受被抱住的感觉,之后你不舍的拿掉她的束缚器具。</p>
<p>      You hold restrained her in your arms for couple of minutes, she seems to enjoy being held, then you slowly removes the restraints off her, this part is difficult for you.</p>
<p>      双手重获自由的百合,拍了拍你的头,转身就向自己的房间走去,给你留下了难忘的背景。</p>
<p>      With her hands freed again, she pat your head, then turns around walks to her room, giving you a unforgettable back view.</p>
<p>      (机舱之火 完/ Cockpit fire finishes.)</p>
<p>      你走进浴室,冲洗着身体,然后到床边简单整理了一下。</p>
<p>      You took a quick shower, then quickly tidies the bed.</p>
<p>      还有百合的气味,而这仿佛让你睡的更安稳。</p>
<p>      It still has the smell of her, this seemingly makes you better.</p>
<p>      在每日的战斗过后,她都会与你进行类似火辣的交流,而你也是来者不拒不停的给她你的爱。</p>
<p>      After the battle of each day, she will often have this kind of hot interaction with you, such offer you never refused.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>        </p>                    