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                       <p>        短文4 夏曼沙漠刺腹身亡</p>
<p>  “来呀!与我正面对决!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      话虽是这么说的,但是我的内心还是忐忑不安。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      戈壁滩的热风席卷着细沙,在我和敌人套着麻鞋和短靴的小腿间涌过。我都紧握着剑柄矗立在风和灼热刺眼的阳光下,一心想要尽快结束这场战斗,与同伴回合。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我的敌人很自信,她的脸上浮现出邪魅的笑容。夏曼们在占据优势时大部分会露出这种笑容,不过尽管现在是双方均远离同伴的一对一的状况,这个夏曼还是觉得自己能赢。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      她应该是认为凭借自进入沙漠多日以来,不断地对我们进行袭扰又能全身而退的实力,能够轻松地击败我吧...</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      ...不,除非首领尤娜美特别下令,她们才会剑下留人。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      通常情况是,夏曼们要么击杀她们的目标,要么战斗到死。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “哼!小子,还挺厉害的么!居然能这么快就找到我。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼挑逗似地挽了下齐肩的金色短发,齐刘海下的阴影中那双如同猫科动物的眼睛在坏坏的微笑衬托下显得格外明亮。接着她在烈日和沙丘之间挺直了高挑的身体,右手轻缓撩人地先抚摸过黑色紧身布料包裹高耸下的右胸和人鱼线如同雕刻般精美的裸露上腹,之后才握住腰间的剑柄将长剑拔出。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在触摸过自己的身体时,夏曼小嘴不由自主地微张,“额啊”地发出一声销魂的轻吟。那个瞬间,她的眼神似乎也充满了性感的柔情。她应该很爱惜尤娜美给予的这副年轻女人的身体吧。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      不管是有心还是无意,她已经成功地让我在极度紧张的同时,下体出于显而易见的生理反应而变得硬邦邦的了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “放马过来吧!我是不会失败的。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼也开始认真起来。她双手握住了剑柄,我们的剑锋在阳光的照射下,都将反光照射在对方身上。那片光斑在我的喉咙部位一扫而过,这是很明显的威胁。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我额头满是汗水,生生地咽了一口唾沫。夏曼有点惊诧地看着光斑先是在自己黑色紧身下的乳首处摇晃一下,接着划过上腹部,停留在肚脐处的金质腰带扣上。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      她漂亮的瓜子脸微微一红,接着怒嗔:“混蛋!是想在这里刺死我么?休想!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      当然,如果我仅仅是在她的腹部留下一道窄窄的剑口而不鞭尸的话,在死前她应该会感谢我吧...迅速结束了胡思乱想,我打起精神</p>
<p>      准备接敌。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呵呀!!!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “咕啊!!!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      一道倩影在沙丘之间划过,夏曼呐喊着举剑冲向了我。我也毫不示弱地抬起剑迎了上去。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在距离我还有十几步的时候,夏曼借助强劲的腰腹力量高高跃起。她的身体很敏捷,动作够快而且力道很大。在我刚来得及看清她套着短靴的修长美腿和穿着黑色紧身内裤的丰满臀部时,她的剑就冲着我的脑袋凌厉地劈了下来。我连忙举剑格挡,接着沙漠里天地之间一片刀光剑影。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      几十个回合之后,我们都气喘吁吁汗流浃背地暂停进入了对峙。我还保持着原来的双手持剑姿势,而夏曼则将剑举过头顶,迈着猫步在我的身边一圈圈地移动着,想借此来分散我的注意力、使我精神疲惫。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我心生一计,假装一个不留神将身体侧后暴露。夏曼果然中招,她忽地再次跳起,双手擎剑在那个方向劈下。我迅速回身避开她的剑锋,然后将利剑扫向她姿势已老后门户大开的腹部。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “啊!!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼惊叫一声,立刻调整姿势格挡这当腹一剑。此时我们已经踩在了相对光滑的细砂堆积的沙丘上,加之闷热的气候和毒辣阳光的照射,我们都失去了平衡,叠加着跌倒在了沙丘的顶部。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我先是觉得脚下踩空然后身体重重砸在滚烫的沙子上,然后一个带着同样的被太阳加热的柔软物体压在了我的身体上。胸部传来两个球体富有弹性的压迫感,当我睁开眼睛的时候发现金色的短发末梢正在剐蹭着我的脸庞。夏曼的小脸只据我几寸远,她的脸上也满是汗珠和不可思议的表情,那双明亮的猫眼竟然有几分可爱。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      几秒钟后夏曼先反应过来,一下扫走了我掉在身边的长剑。而我的身体像是条件反射似的,死死抓住夏曼的双臂防止她使用指甲攻击我。接着我双腿伸到她身后将她的身体紧紧地贴住我的身体,早已梆硬的下体也死死地抵住了她包裹在黑色布料中的私处。夏曼的脸刷地一下变得又羞又怒,她咬着自己的嘴唇艰难地抬起脑袋准备对我的脸吐出暗器时,我浑身一加力,夏曼的脸便贴在了我的脸上。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在这戈壁沙漠灼热的午后,我和我的敌人,一个美丽的夏曼在沙丘的顶部接吻了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼的身体有着股好闻的沙漠植物的清香。我看着她眼神复杂多变的眼睛,亲吻着她性感而有些发干的嘴唇,舌头则在她的小嘴里和她的香舌翻滚纠缠。夏曼发出“唔唔!”的呜咽声,但是很快她紧绷的身体就软了下来,显出了暂时和解的姿态。我离开了她的嘴唇,发现她正在神情火辣地盯着我看。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “啊啊...倒下了呢。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼突然变得十分娇媚。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “还是第一次有人这样对待我。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我们可以不要再打了吗?妳尽早离开这片沙漠,否则妳会死在这里的。我们的战斗没有意义。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “不可能!”她坚决地说道,“谁死还不一定呢,而且我不能背叛尤娜美大人。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “那我们休息一下再继续吧?”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼的神情看起来是已经感受到了我的下体在她私处和小腹之间的摩擦,她红着脸答应了。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “...嗯。放手吧,这期间我不会攻击你的。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      于是我松开了她的手臂,然后双手环到她的背后抱住她的身体,触碰着她性感的肩胛。夏曼也抱住了我,我们在沙丘上热烈地翻滚拥吻着。我的手在她的身体上下抚摸着,从头发上被晒得滚烫的金属头环,到胳膊上的饰品再到束缚在腰腹之间的金属腰带。我吻着夏曼的嘴唇和脖颈锁骨,双手不安分地隔着黑色紧身衣在她硕大的胸部抚摸揉捏,感受着她的乳首在激战中立起。在欲望的交锋中,夏曼显而易见地处于了下风。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “额...额...大和...我...我感受到了你的身体...杀死你之后,我会好好保存你的身体的...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “是嘛...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我的手掌贴着她的腹部,伸出一根手指在她上腹正中马甲线的附近轻轻地划着圈子。夏曼的腹部十分光洁,触感很绵软。她像猫一样拧着身子趴在我的身上,纤细的腰身迎合着我的手掌让它贴合在自己的娇腹上,那张娇羞的小脸已经红到了耳根。虽然不忍让任何利器捅进这等美腹,但是我还是狠了狠心,说道:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我会将剑刺进妳这里...会尽量在妳感觉到疼痛之前就抽出来,不会损伤妳的身体的...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “啊啦,那里是我的弱点呢...如果你能成功的话,就不会愧对自己的同伴了。”说完她最后抱着我的脑袋吻了一下,然后缓缓爬到之前战斗的距离。我们同时站起了身,从沙子上拾起了自己的剑。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我,夏曼,将用生命、来完成尤娜美大人的使命。大和,希望你能履行自己的诺言。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “嗯,我会的。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      接着又是一系列的战斗。虽然刚刚我们有了短暂而奇妙的肌肤之亲,但是夏曼很快就恢复了她在战斗时的娇媚和凌厉无情。不多时,我再次摔倒在地,只不过是被夏曼一剑击倒的。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “啊哈!大和,看来是我要赢了呢!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼笑道。她将剑举过头顶,准备给予我最后一击。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “不,赢的是我。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      一束强烈的白光突然照在了夏曼的脸上,晃得她下意识闭上了细长而妖媚的眼睛。紧接着,她的身形不在稳固,很快就露出了破绽,将毫无防护的胸腹部暴露在了我的剑锋之下。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      抓住着转瞬即逝的时机,我猛地支起上半身,双手握剑直直地将剑尖直直地刺中夏曼光洁健美的上腹被我的手指划过圈的位置。只听见令人心头瘙痒的噗呲一声,我感觉到剑身被柔软地阻隔了一下,然后带着沙漠阳光温度的剑锋畅通无阻地捅进了夏曼的腹腔。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      [pixivimage:69435806]</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “啊啊啊啊呃呃呃嗯——!!!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼忘情地哀叫着,被刺中死穴的身体如同蛇一样性感地扭曲着。她不可思议地看了扎在自己肚子上的利剑一眼,鲜血瞬间从我刚刚吻过的嘴角里流出。剑锋已经刺破了她的肚皮,割伤了她的肠胃内脏,并且因为脊柱的抵挡而停了下来。她的肚腹像是被刺破的水袋一样,在剑锋深入腹中的过程中鲜血在剑口四下喷溅,甚至溅到了我的嘴里。甘美血腥的味道在我嘴里蔓延开来。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “尤,尤娜美大人!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在那个瞬间,一丝惊惶的神色掠过夏曼可爱的小脸。我狠了狠心,猛地从夏曼的上腹抽出利剑。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “呃嗯!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      忍受着痛苦的夏曼,在利剑离腹的瞬间,曼妙高挑的身体原地转了两圈。她丢掉了手中的剑,痛苦神情的小脸和舞动的金色短发搭配上令人血脉贲张的身材惹人怜爱,让我的下体那股欲火更加地旺盛。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      转了两圈后,夏曼便摔倒在沙丘上。她穿着黑色紧身衣的失去生命的身体连带着剑鞘,骨碌碌地滚下了沙丘。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “夏曼...!”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我也冲下了沙丘,在底部找到了直挺挺躺在那里的夏曼的身体。在确定夏曼被刺腹身亡后,我将剑收进自己的剑鞘,在她的身体旁边坐了下来。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      我将她的身体抱起来仔细端详着。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      夏曼在怀里双目圆睁地看着我。她的小嘴还微张着,似乎还会发出抚摸自己时那种销魂的喘息,只是已经吐出了鲜血。她的金色齐肩短发在戈壁的风中微微摆动着,脖子已经失去支撑的力量垂了下来;而她的胸部因为战斗和被爱抚而保持着膨胀的状态,乳首在黑色紧身衣的布料上坚硬地凸起着。她的腹部被刺后因为失去了力气而变得异常地温软,我抚摸着她的上腹部中间那个已经不再流血的致命伤口,手指再次不安分地伸进她金属腰带扣下被掩藏起来的狭长而深邃的肚脐。如果我刚才没有刺她裸露的肚腹,而是一剑刺穿腰带扣刺入她的肚脐,现在她会不会不那么快就死去?不管怎么说,这名美丽而英勇的女战士最终死在了我的剑下,四肢瘫软地躺在了我的怀里。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      想到这里,我再也忍不住了,一把吻上夏曼流着鲜血的嘴唇。我不断地抚摸着她的身体,腿并腿腹贴腹地在她的身体上摩擦着,直到自己的下体喷射出白色的液体...</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      几个月后。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      在森林中,我将同一把利剑刺进了夏曼女王尤娜美的腹心。她口中涌出了大量鲜血,喘着粗气倒在了我的怀里。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “我的所有部下都被你们...连我也...”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “因为妳的命令,许多夏曼女战士捂着腹部死在了王国的土地上。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “那...你可算是为她们报仇了呢....”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      “嗯。在黄泉路上见到阵亡在沙漠中的那个少女时,妳会为她感到骄傲的。”</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      说罢,我抱住尤娜美,吻上她鲜血流淌的嘴唇。</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      ——END——</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Come on! Come face to face with me!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Although that is the case, my heart is still uneasy.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      The hot sand of the Gobi Desert swept fine sand and rushed between me and the enemy\u0027s shins with bast shoes and booties. I hold the hilt tightly in the wind and the dazzling sun, and I am bent on ending this battle as soon as possible, and with my companions.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      My enemies are confident and a grinning smile appears on her face. Most of Shaman\u0027s dominance will show this smile, but despite the one-on-one situation in which both sides are far from their peers, this Xiaman still feels he can win.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      She should think that by virtue of her ability to continuously attack us after entering the desert for many days, she can easily retreat from me...</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      ... No, unless the leader Yuna-mei specifically ordered them to keep people under the sword.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Usually, the Shamans either kill their targets or fight to death.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Hey! Kid, it\u0027s pretty amazing! I can find me so quickly.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Chaman teased the short blond hair on his shoulders, and the eyes in the shadows under Qi Liu looked extraordinarily bright under the shadow of a smiling cat. Then she straightened her tall body between the sun and the sand dunes. The right hand gently stroked the black tight fabric and wrapped the towering right chest and the mermaid line like a sculpted bare upper belly before holding the waist. The sword handle pulls out the long sword.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      When he touched his own body, Xia Man\u0027s mouth slowly involuntarily micro-exaggerated, \"Qian ah\" issued an ecstasy of contempt. At that moment, her eyes seemed full of sexy tenderness. She should love the body of this young woman given by Yuna Mei.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Whether it is intentional or unintentional, she has managed to make me extremely nervous and the body has become hard and hard due to obvious physiological reactions.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Let\u0027s come over! I won\u0027t fail.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman also began to seriously. Her hands grasped the hilt, and our swords were reflected in the sunlight under the sunlight. That spot of light swept across my throat. This is an obvious threat.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      My forehead was full of sweat and swallowed in life. Shaman was a bit surprised to see the light first shaking at the nipple under his black tight, and then crossed the upper abdomen, stuck in the navel at the gold belt buckle.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Her beautiful face was slightly red, and then yelled: \"Asshole! Want to stab me here? Rest!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Of course, if I merely left a narrow sword in her abdomen without whipping her body, she would thank me before she died... I ended up cranky and I started</p>
<p>      Prepare to meet the enemy.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Oh!!!!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Hey!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      A shadow passed between the dunes, and Shaman yelled at me with a sword. I also lifted the sword without hesitation and welcomed it.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      At a time when I was still a dozen steps away, Shaman leaped up with a strong waist and belly strength. Her body is very agile, fast and powerful. When I first had time to see her slender legs with booties and plump buttocks in black tights, her sword slid sharply against my head. I quickly blocked the sword, and then there was a slash between the heavens and the earth in the desert.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      After dozens of rounds, we all breathlessly paused and entered the confrontation. I still maintain the original two-handed sword posture, and Shaman put the sword over his head and stepped around with me on a catwalk. He wanted to use this to distract my attention and make me mentally exhausted.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      I had a plan to pretend to expose the body sideways. Xia Man really moved, she suddenly jumped again, his hands smashing sword in that direction. I quickly walked back to avoid her sword and then swept the sword to her abdomen, which was old and wide open.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"what!!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman screamed and immediately adjusted his posture as a sword. At this point we have stepped on sand dunes that are relatively smooth and fine sand piled. Together with the hot climate and the poisonous sun, we all lose their balance and stack and fall on the top of the dune.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      I first felt that I was stepping on my feet and slammed on the hot sand, then a soft object that was heated by the sun pressed against my body. Two balls of elastic pressure came from the chest, and when I opened my eyes, I found golden short hair licking my face. Shaman\u0027s little face was only a few inches away from me. Her face was full of sweat and incredible expression. The bright eyes of the cat were a bit cute.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      A few seconds later, Shaman first reacted, sweeping away the long sword I had left. And my body is like a conditional reflex, and I seize Chamman\u0027s arms to prevent her from attacking me with my fingernails. Then I stretched my legs behind her and pressed her body tightly against my body. The already hardened lower body also strangled her private parts wrapped in black fabric. When Shaman\u0027s face became shame and irritated, and she bit her lip hard to lift up her head to prepare a mask on my face, I went into full force and Xia Man’s face was stuck on me. Face.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      In this hot afternoon in the Gobi Desert, I and my enemies, a beautiful Xia Man, kissed on the top of the dune.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman\u0027s body has a good smell of desert plants. I watched her eyes with complex and varied eyes, kissed her sexy and dry lips, and tongue tangled in her small mouth with her fragrant tongue. Shaman uttered a whine of \"Hey!\", but soon her tight body softened, showing a gesture of temporary reconciliation. I left her lips and found that she was staring at me with a hot look.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Oh...falling.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman suddenly became very charming.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"The first time someone treated me like this.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Can we not fight again? Let\u0027s leave this desert as soon as possible, otherwise you will die here. Our battle is meaningless.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Impossible!\" she said firmly. \"Who doesn\u0027t die? And I can\u0027t betray Yuna.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Then let\u0027s take a break and continue?\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Xia Man\u0027s look seems to have felt the friction between my private body and her lower abdomen. She blushed and promised.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"...well, let\u0027s go, I won\u0027t attack you during this time.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      So I let go of her arm, and then her hands hug her behind her to hold her body and touch her sexy shoulders. Shaman also hugged me and we rolled and kissed warmly on the sand dunes. My hand stroked her body up and down, from the hot tanned metal headband on her hair, to the jewelry on her arm, to the metal belt that was tied between her waist and belly. I kissed Shaman\u0027s lips and neck clavicle, and her hands rubbed in her huge breasts in black tights, feeling that her nipple was standing in a fierce battle. In the confrontation of desire, Xia Man is clearly at a disadvantage.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Er... fore... big and... I... I feel your body... After I kill you, I will save your body...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Really...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      With my palms against her abdomen, I held out a finger and gently circled the circle near her upper midline waistline. Shaman\u0027s abdomen is very clean and soft, and it feels soft. She twisted like a cat and squatted on my body. The slender waist leaned against my palm to fit it on her belly, and the shy little face was already red. Although I couldn\u0027t bear to let any weapon fall into this beautiful belly, I still grieve and said:</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"I\u0027ll stab my sword here... I\u0027ll try to pull it out before I feel pain, it won\u0027t hurt my body...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Oh, where\u0027s my weakness? If you can succeed, you won\u0027t have to marry your companion.\" Then she finally kissed my head and then slowly climbed before fighting. distance. We also stood up and picked up our swords from the sand.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"I, Shaman, will use life to accomplish the mission of Yuna\u0027s adults. Yamato, I hope you can fulfill your promise.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Well, I will.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Then there was a series of battles. Although we had just had a brief and wonderful skin affinity, Shaman quickly restored her flirtatious and fierceness in battle. Not much time, I fell to the ground again, but was defeated by Shaman\u0027s sword.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Aha! Yamato, it seems that I want to win!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman laughed. She raised the sword over her head and was ready to give me the final blow.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"No, it\u0027s me who wins.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      A strong white light suddenly shined on the face of Shaman, shook her subconscious closed his slender and seductive eyes. Immediately afterwards, her stature was not stable and soon revealed her flaws, exposing her unprotected chest and abdomen beneath my sword.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Grabbing the moment of fleeting moments, I slammed my upper body upright, holding my sword straight in my hands, and straightly stabbing the tip of my sword to the point where Shaman\u0027s clean upper body was crossed by my fingers. I only heard a tickling noise, and I felt the sword\u0027s body was softly blocked, and then with the temperature of the desert sunshine sword blade unimpeded into the abdomen of Chaman.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      [pixivimage:69435806]</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman yelled with indifference, and the body that had been stabbed to death was sexy and twisted like a snake. She incrediblely glanced at the sword lying on her stomach, and the blood immediately flowed out of the corner I had just kissed. Jianfeng had already pierced her belly, cut her viscera and stopped because of the spine\u0027s resistance. Her stomach was like a punctured water bag. In the process of the sword\u0027s deep penetration into the abdomen, blood spattered at the mouth of the sword and even splashed into my mouth. The sweet, bloody taste spreads in my mouth.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Especially, Yuna Beauty!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      In that moment, a trace of horror looked over Shaman\u0027s cute little face. I took my heart and yanked out the sharp sword from Shaman\u0027s belly.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Yeah!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Suffering from the pain of Xia Man, in the instant when the sword broke off, the graceful body turned twice in situ. She lost the sword in her hand. The painful look and dancing golden short hair was adorned with a bloody body, which made my nakedness even more exuberant.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      After two laps, Shaman fell to the dune. Her lifeless body in a black leotard carried a scabbard and rolled down the sand dune.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Shamman...!\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      I also rushed down the dune and found at the bottom the body of Shaman who was lying there straight. After confirming that Shaman was assassinated, I took my sword into my scabbard and sat down next to her body.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      I looked at her body and looked closely.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Shaman looked at me in a wide circle in his arms. Her mouth was still slightly open and it seemed that she would also wheeze the kind of ecstasy she had touched. She had just spit out blood. Her short golden shoulders swayed slightly in the wind of the Gobi, and the strength of her neck that had lost her support drooped; her breasts kept inflated because of fighting and being caressed. The breasts were hard on the fabric of the black leotard. Prominent. Her abdomen was stabbed and became abnormally soft due to her loss of strength. I stroked the deadly wound in her midsection that was no longer bleeding, and her fingers rested indifferently under her metal belt buckle. Narrow and deep navel. If I didn\u0027t stab her bare belly just now, but instead pierced the belt buckle into her navel, will she die now? In any case, this beautiful and heroic female warrior finally died under my sword and limp in my arms.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      Thought of this, I couldn\u0027t help it anymore and kissed him with bloody lips. I kept stroking her body, rubbing her legs and belly in her abdomen until her lower body sprayed a white liquid...</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      A few months later.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      In the forest, I pierced the same heart with the sharp sword of Queen Charmana. There was a lot of blood in her mouth and she gasped in my arms.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"All my men and women are by you... even me...\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Because of his command, many Xiaman female soldiers died on the land of the kingdom with their stomachs.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"That...you may be revenge for them....\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      \"Well, when you see the girl who died in the desert on Huangquan Road, you will be proud of her.\"</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      To put it, I held Yunamei and kissed her bloody lips.</p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      </p>
<p>      -END -</p>                    